Respectful Fade Runner & Card Puller
Nope. This is not true. 1 week of precinct burnings, Molotov cocktails, and all types of violent shyt accomplished more than months of Mike Brown and Occupy Wall Street protests ever did. The nationwide Mike Brown protests led to a couple of parking tickets getting removed or some weak shyt like that in STL.
They respect violence.
My G, I hear you, but it’s still multifactorial. Force without ideological stance - any misguided individual or group can do that. In conjunction, it’s extremely powerful. In the real world, they go hand in hand. There’s a historical precedent to that we’ve seen with countless movements.
I had some idiot @CoryMack quote me earlier in this thread who couldn’t even form a cogent argument or have the capacity to grasp my point. We literally have numerous historical examples outlining how movements have many legs and manifestations, both small and large. Inroads in any capacity must continue to push the collective goal forward of - without loss of sight of our overarching goal(s). Theory vs practice.
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