way to end the year. NXT was just blazing hot tonight.
I would just like say I told you so about Sasha.
Normally the women's match is the weak link on the card but they killed it. Damn dopest WWE women's match in years.
I am really worried about Kenta getting lost in the shuffle they have to let him use his moves. He can't just be expected to come up with a new move set. I marked out for the gts set up
Finn nice touch with the body paint he kept it simple. Dope tag match
Lucha Dragons

that all I am going to say
Vaudvillans still love the team

did taker knock up a ring rat in the late 80's. It was nice to see him in a match longer then 7 seconds
Kevin Owens,

nice debut
The main event

like it was stated before that was a wrestlemania moment . Did not expect that. Also nice touch on having none of the Heels out, to celebrate the swerve at the end.
We have been saying for months NXT is better then the main product but they just crushed the building. No way TLC@Stairs competing with this. I don't see Dean making difference he is like the safest hardcore wrestler ever.
Crazy how this is under the WWE umbrella