Caught highlights after work. Here’s some thoughts:
— The Hardy’s have been over my whole life.

Even now when they’re moving in slow motion.
I saw a tweet where someone said Stephanie had the fans in a chokehold, and they are not lying. They adore her, and the company has to be high on her for taking the initiative to work out her very few flaws. When she gets called up, she’s gonna be on all the promo material.
— The match with Giulia Main Eventing was the right call, and these two have insane chemistry. They’re gonna put our classics for the next few Years.
— I know we talk about how Oba Femi has the look, but that mf just GETS IT. All the little things in between the moves come to him naturally, and he’s still learning. If he’s not a world champion or perennial contender, Haitch is on CRACK.
— As much as I don’t like Moose for a variety of reasons, the mf can wrestle his ass off and he was the perfect dance partner for Oba.
— I didn’t see if they did or not, but did The YNWO give a motive as to why they’re fukking people up every week???