Lowkey it's gonna be the battle of Cody vs HHH in weekly inspirational speeches to the crowd

And very low key will be Vince McMahon thinking "

Wargames gonna be lit
i just hope we dont get
Gargano vs Cole 25
And isnt he apart of some faction in Evolve?
High key Cody don't want those HHH problems. Triple H's biggest problem was his ego as a wrestler, but his ego as a businessman is even more dangerous since he'll do whatever to MWGA. NXT is his baby and he's going to make sure that it stays the way it is, and Vince will be too busy with the horrible XFL to really stand in his way.Lowkey it's gonna be the battle of Cody vs HHH in weekly inspirational speeches to the crowd
And very low key will be Vince McMahon thinking "Well it won't be just AEW I need to destroy.... sorry Hunter
Raw will be on top at all cost"
Also, is it just me or did a lot of minorities take L's tonight? Only Xia Li won and she did it by beating Aliyah.
Over a million for the 3rd brand isn't bad1.179M viewers last night on USA.