The bolded IMO is probably the most important aspect of being a great promo. Man or woman, whether you're a yeller/screamer or boastful type or a low-key matter of fact individual with understanding of timing and inflection ... believability (it ain't a word but whatever) or lack thereof will always shine through.
Yup. It's why Charlotte's promo work comes off better than Becky's, even though Becky is a better structural speaker - because the most important thing is putting what you need to say in a way that sounds like you would say it.
It's why people laugh about certain rappers using random ridiculous word choices - you can tell when something ain't comfortable to a person.
Ciampa, Owens, Bryan... these are guys that just have that to them. Miz, too. Meanwhile, Seth, early Roman... sometimes you can basically hear them trying to parrot other people's script.
Damn I hate scripted promos.
Also, believability is a word, it just isn't tagged as one here