For reference:
NWO 2000 aka Black and Silver started with Bret Hart, Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Scott Steiner. Within a few weeks, Bret Hart was permanently put out of action, Jeff Jarrett was temporarily put out of action, Scott Steiner was temporarily put out of action. Bret and Steiner were replaced with the Harris Brothers. A few weeks later, Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett start feuding and Hall is put out of action and never returns to WCW. In the meantime, Kevin Nash is made WCW Commissioner and Jeff Jarrett randomly turns on him, too. And then it's down to Jeff Jarrett and the Harris Brothers for a few weeks until the reboot. And to begin with, they were all feuding with 3 retired guys and Terry Funk. In 2000.
Booker singing HBK's theme was better than anything related to WCW 2000.