Prolific Poster
May 6, 2012
My Own šŸŒ
Oh this you dawg.@2CT

Stop posting yo cluck goofie ass selfies.
from your social media you cluck.

nikka got a name that is an acronym. For two time crack tweaker.

Ol two cracks in a ten ten face ass.
Take yo goofie cluck ass on.

Art Barr


aight i'll give it to you that was a good one :pachaha:


Prolific Poster
May 6, 2012
My Own šŸŒ
Nice tablin ya.

Now move around.

Art Barr



Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
Neither is Roman.
Wtf that got to do with anything.

You nikkaz tweaking and overcompensating. All because you know you do not know.

When if you do not know.

project pat : a real nikka keep his mouth shut who do not know.

shame this forum is full of nikkaz who far from real.

Art Barr
Here. Let's refine.

Rush isn't even the best active wrestler in his family.
Can't say the same about Roman.

Also, your insistence on talking down to other people as a means of attempting to have a discussion is why nobody entertains your fukking nonsense.

I've legitimately forgotten more about wrestling than you know. And I'd put that on my dead brother.

You jumping out a window trying to disparage other people who disagree with you is wild ridiculous considering your patent inability to string together a cogent argument in a way that anyone might even consider agreeing with you.

If you came in here on some 'Why isn't Rush being pushed like Roman' that's one thing. But sure. Let's entertain this.

  • He can't cut promos in the market he wrestles in.
  • He wasn't a good promo in Mexico, in Spanish.
  • He's not the best wrestler in the faction he's in.
  • He's routinely not the best wrestler in the ring during his singles matches.
  • He goes into business for himself - repeatedly. It got him shyt in Mexico and he's learned absolutely nothing.
  • He thinks he should be treated as a star without doing the work.
  • He isn't even the best Mexican wrestler running a bull gimmick right now ffs.

He's Andrade with rollers and less muscle mass.

State your rationale instead of demanding other people prove you wrong while arguing nothing of worth.
That's... literally the bare minimum expected of someone making a point. I swear you just come in here to start shyt and try and argue with people for engagement. How you marble-mouthed in text? :dahell:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Here. Let's refine.

Rush isn't even the best active wrestler in his family.
Can't say the same about Roman.

Also, your insistence on talking down to other people as a means of attempting to have a discussion is why nobody entertains your fukking nonsense.

I've legitimately forgotten more about wrestling than you know. And I'd put that on my dead brother.

You jumping out a window trying to disparage other people who disagree with you is wild ridiculous considering your patent inability to string together a cogent argument in a way that anyone might even consider agreeing with you.

If you came in here on some 'Why isn't Rush being pushed like Roman' that's one thing. But sure. Let's entertain this.

  • He can't cut promos in the market he wrestles in.
  • He wasn't a good promo in Mexico, in Spanish.
  • He's not the best wrestler in the faction he's in.
  • He's routinely not the best wrestler in the ring during his singles matches.
  • He goes into business for himself - repeatedly. It got him shyt in Mexico and he's learned absolutely nothing.
  • He thinks he should be treated as a star without doing the work.
  • He isn't even the best Mexican wrestler running a bull gimmick right now ffs.

He's Andrade with rollers and less muscle mass.

State your rationale instead of demanding other people prove you wrong while arguing nothing of worth.
That's... literally the bare minimum expected of someone making a point. I swear you just come in here to start shyt and try and argue with people for engagement. How you marble-mouthed in text? :dahell:

Oh my gawd.


Someone ranted for a chance here.
Then is mad cause I had to ask more than once.


Never a match rant but at least sumfin is better than nuffin.

Also I find it a joke you think you post on my level here.

I could have done this myself.

Yet I have tried to get you lame motherfukkers to write reviews.

Which you have never done here ever.

So miss me with the you know more bullshyt.

That is cap.

Glad you ranted for once motherfukker.

I have not seen Roman in ring in forever. to know wtf Roman does.

So i asked what the fukk was the difference.

If you were a smart. You would have ranted a match of Roman's versus a rush match like i asked.

Yet you so goofie and emo
You took my posting as an attack.

If you so adept. You should have known that from the acronym:


yet since you so resistant to posting anything on any subject. While trying t o act like you some lead here is hilarious. Nobody reads you here nikka.

if so.
post a reviews in amy subforum. Where somebody gives you props. As i have never seen you post content worth a damn in any forum.

so prove me wrong.

I will read it.

You just mad because if yo shyt off.

You gon catch a table.

All the shyt you posted here.

You can not rant a match and illustrate as a smart.

So miss me with your bullshyt.

Nobody read you nikka.

They only read this post because you finally complied cause i asked.

Oh and yo dead brother is dead.

fukk outta.

only liars say shyt like.

On my.

Ain't nobody scared to disrespect your dead peoples you lied on.

nikka what city what side what state you from.

Ol flaug"n ass goofie.

art barr
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Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
I watched it like 3 times trying to make sure I didn't misinterpret the spot but no, it's just indy foolishness. Guy was just probably working an invincible, adrenaline angle not realizing it ruined the entire match.
Lio no-sold a powerbomb off a ladder through a table in his last indy match before going to the E, buried the business, his opponent and himself on the way out, thought he was going to run shyt on 205 live and ended up being Lashley's Prince Nana.

'Hit'em with the double bicep Bobby!' :mjlol:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Lio no-sold a powerbomb off a ladder through a table in his last indy match before going to the E, buried the business, his opponent and himself on the way out, thought he was going to run shyt on 205 live and ended up being Lashley's Prince Nana.

'Hit'em with the double bicep Bobby!' :mjlol:

rant the match..if you so smart.

i wanna read it.

i got time.
you can post it on monday. if you think you wanna enjoy the weekend.

i wanna read how so called smart you are.

show and prove tho


you ain't a smart.
if you ain't rant shyt.

art barr


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
rant the match..if you so smart.

art barr
rant... what?
It was Lio's last indy match in his mind.
They went out there thinking they were going to do a Steen/Generico ladder match, Lio decided he was going to no-sell something so absurd it shouldn't have been done at all if it was going to lead to that, and it soured the opinion on him in the general wrestling community at the very time it needed to not. His career never fully recovered from it and it's been on-again off-again retirements and music releases no one cares about.
He's talented but small and his ego carried him to heights he wouldn't have gotten to without it, but it was a demon that ultimately was his undoing. Flew too close to the sun and went out as the black Enzo Amore.

Also your colloquialism of 'rant a match' makes no sense to me and never has. Are you meaning rate? Are you asking for a review? is there some other r word that you are trying to illicit? I don't get it.

Doesn't matter though. This whole thread is pointless

I don't and won't never like anything blood related. But... the Ones is the Ones for a reason. It took them 10+ years trying to force Roman to be something and it's realistically only when they stopped doing that that he reached his final form. He isn't the best worker on Friday nights, but there's zero better wrestling characters out there. Not even this current version of Rock.

Roosh, Lio Rush, Rush Limbaugh -don't matter. Roman in 4 :yeshrug:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
rant... what?
It was Lio's last indy match in his mind.
They went out there thinking they were going to do a Steen/Generico ladder match, Lio decided he was going to no-sell something so absurd it shouldn't have been done at all if it was going to lead to that, and it soured the opinion on him in the general wrestling community at the very time it needed to not. His career never fully recovered from it and it's been on-again off-again retirements and music releases no one cares about.
He's talented but small and his ego carried him to heights he wouldn't have gotten to without it, but it was a demon that ultimately was his undoing. Flew too close to the sun and went out as the black Enzo Amore.

Also your colloquialism of 'rant a match' makes no sense to me and never has. Are you meaning rate? Are you asking for a review? is there some other r word that you are trying to illicit? I don't get it.

Doesn't matter though. This whole thread is pointless

I don't and won't never like anything blood related. But... the Ones is the Ones for a reason. It took them 10+ years trying to force Roman to be something and it's realistically only when they stopped doing that that he reached his final form. He isn't the best worker on Friday nights, but there's zero better wrestling characters out there. Not even this current version of Rock.

Roosh, Lio Rush, Rush Limbaugh -don't matter. Roman in 4 :yeshrug:

all this long short exposition is excuse based cap.

you so smart.

rant the fukk'n match...
if you need terms explained to you .
you are not a smart.

stop all the excuses.

you so dope.

show and prove tho.

put the match in print,..to prove you know more than i ever learned.
since you so jeezy with it.

show and prove it tho.

if not...you full of shyt easy as that.
plus it proves you a mark.

as you have no rants on matches. to prove you are a smart.
so you not a smart.
till you rant matches.

nikka, i gave you till monday.
you can google the terms and maybe some suggestions.

just get to rant'n nikka.

as you never been no smart on this forum and no you not on shyt to me.
as a critic ever in ya life.

so get to rant'n and show an prove...or stfu.
you not busy cause you young and on the net responding to me on a saturday.
when it is pregame hours.
you not a club kid,..you not a bboy.
you just a nobody non draw no talent on the net.
who gets to use products i made profitable in you life to try to get access to an audience you never earned.

so get's ta rant'n.....

time to be,..
the source.
to consumer reports....

art barr


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
longwinded, misspelled crackhead babble

I do not care.

You spoke ill on my folk.
He died a year ago. Shot in the streets. Being everything you try and make people on this website think you are.
Don't end up like my brother.

But in his name I say; from the bottom of my heart:

Go fukk yourself you thirsty-for-relevance oldhead. No one needs to prove shyt to you. Because no one fukking cares about you.
Your opinions are overblown, overwrought and worth less than the server space used to house the text.
You can't spell.
Your syntax is dogshyt.
You can't hold a consistent thought.
You shyt up the forum every time you post because you think you know better than everyone because your were youngboy to some nikka no one cares about either.
You don't fukking know anything.
I've worked more matches than I've 'ranted'.
And all you do is talk about the shyt.

Stop tagging me.
Stop quoting me.
You continue to grip tight to this idea of you being worth a shyt 20 years ago but your glory days are my Mondays.
Go fukk yourself, preferably with something sharp.
Never again speak on my people you brain damaged Al Bundy.

-thankfully not art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I do not care.

You spoke ill on my folk.
He died a year ago. Shot in the streets. Being everything you try and make people on this website think you are.
Don't end up like my brother.

But in his name I say; from the bottom of my heart:

Go fukk yourself you thirsty-for-relevance oldhead. No one needs to prove shyt to you. Because no one fukking cares about you.
Your opinions are overblown, overwrought and worth less than the server space used to house the text.
You can't spell.
Your syntax is dogshyt.
You can't hold a consistent thought.
You shyt up the forum every time you post because you think you know better than everyone because your were youngboy to some nikka no one cares about either.
You don't fukking know anything.
I've worked more matches than I've 'ranted'.
And all you do is talk about the shyt.

Stop tagging me.
Stop quoting me.
You continue to grip tight to this idea of you being worth a shyt 20 years ago but your glory days are my Mondays.
Go fukk yourself, preferably with something sharp.
Never again speak on my people you brain damaged Al Bundy.

-thankfully not art barr

you the one that brought that cap ass shyt up.
don't not get mad you volunteered information.
nobody has to feel entitled to respect.

all you doing is showing.
you emo as fukk and cap as fukk.

plus you do not review shyt ever.
as you know..
it would expose you.

so stop the emo ho nikka levels of cap.
also you talembout you worked matches.

great...post the matches.
i will rant them.

i bet you will not.
as you know if that shyt huff trash.
my review is going to end you and any draw you ever had inring potentially.

plus you will be my bytch. as you will need to post every match after that. hoping i finally give you a review worth a damn to boost you.

so please post these matches,...as you are not a draw.
plus i know your workrate and psychology trash. as you can not post a match you ranted. to showcase you know anything smart related past you went to train at a wrasslin school.

so post your matches....

i got time to rant.

show and prove.

if you good.
my rant helps your whole career.
as they read my content here to elevate people.

so post your match.

i am rant ready.


plus you showcase you a bytch if you do not post your matches.

as you are not a headliner in any capacity in your work of choice.
whereas in rap. i am top four debut song ranked guy. plus a headliner flanking thee headliner and goat emcee in juice.

skillwise i show and prove.
that if you do not know who i am in rap. then it shows you sheltered as fukk. as the gateway to nikkaz your age comes from my pedigree.

so you not this purveyor of cool at all.

you talkin to the definitive purveyor of end all be all. as far as anything that drew that was cool in the past quarter century from my reviews.
as well as any recent draw that is a large draw came from my reviews recently.

i can post links ....you can not.

this is just recently. we can go back a quarter century and i can list the stars made off my reviews. which is everything in pop relevence for the past quarter plus century since 1997. which also includes revealing who was a atop drawing talent. taht the labels put a rocket to their back once i review the shyt.
i create the relevency for the past twenty five years for anything successful that can be a mainstream draw.
the last two largest artist come from my reviews sir.

i can make a now known who's who. of my reviews that predate that for a quarter century.

my contemporaries before the net was prevalent from me making it profitable. all will tell you publically to anyone who is an audience.
i am the best critic in rap.
i am the best original rottentomatoes.com critic as well. well before they had pay to play reviews and moved to their new model.

so please post your matches.
as i am the person.' who can make you a current relevent draw. plus i am an actualized grassroots outsider art headliner. whereas nobody in your industry.
gives a fukk who you are.
from a grassroots perspective incomparison.

art barr
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Mr. Manhattan

May 3, 2012
i thought OP was gonna post up a Indie match with Roman Reigns vs RUSH
instead its just gibberish comparison
  • Haha
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