Haus of Wrestling has learned that the “top 20 network” Corgan refers to is The CW. Some logistics are being worked out, but an official announcement should be coming “relatively soon.” The two TV deals that Corgan mentioned are for two different NWA products that will air on The CW: NWA Powerrr and a reality TV show about the day-to-day, behind-the-scenes business of the NWA.
A reality TV show about running a pro wrestling company is something Corgan has wanted to do for a while. He nearly pulled it off a decade ago when he was running RESISTANCE Pro wrestling in Chicago and inked a deal with A&E to produce one. While some content was filmed for a RESISTANCE reality show, the network pulled the plug on all of its reality show content, and the project was scrapped before making it to air. This new reality show about the NWA has already started filming, and we are told should be done soon.
Despite the reality show likely being completed before new in-ring content can be filmed, NWA Powerrr is expected to debut on The CW before the reality show. NWA Powerrr has already undergone production upgrades for its latest season, and we are told those changes were made in anticipation of the move to The CW. It was not made clear to us if Powerrr will be one or two hours long, but it does not sound like it will be live. The way it was described to us, Powerrr will pre-tape episodes in blocks as Impact does for AXS TV.
As far as the NWA’s future on YouTube goes, it was speculated to us that
the new NWA territories that Corgan is launching could find a home on the NWA channel. The NWA recently announced that Exodus Pro Wrestling in Cleveland has become their first official territory, and we are told two others are being worked on.