I've been boxing and in various martial arts since a pre-teen, and it never ceases to amaze me how dudes swear they know how to fight without formal training. Every single loudmouth who was foolish enough to come down to the gym never makes it past 1 round. Funny how their lungs hold enough air to run their mouth all day long, but not enough to go a full round.
I agree. It never fails- ego ego ego.
It happens somewhat often in the dojo as well, especially now during the summer when the high school and college peeps are around a lot more, and bored..
And they always drop by in pairs, wearing their mma tapout shirts and telling stories of past "mma" experience.. only to barely make it past warm-ups without being doubled over needing a break for nogare'(deep breathing).
The jocks too. "I run division-1 track do I need to do the warm ups?"

And they'll come in their ripped from head to toe,
barely make it
past said warm-ups, only to end up puking their guts out during basics

(and keep in mind we still hadn't even gotten to the pad work or kumite/sparring portion of training yet).
It's hilarious indeed.