Nsibidi(Ancient Nigerian Igbo) written system

Jan 26, 2015
Both the Kemites and Yoruba had deformed looking dwarf deities whom rocked skull crosses around their neck

The God Bes

Yoruba Child of Obatala
Jan 26, 2015
New York Times article reveals the modern Igbo(of West Africa) langauge is closely related to and shares many words with the Ancient Kemite(Egyptian) langauge :

The New York Times (Apr. 2011) has published an article by Nicholas Wade, reviewing a new research which maintains that all languages developed from a common mother-language from Sub-Saharan Africa that was carried to other parts of the world by Homo Erectus African migrants over 100,000 years ago during the Out of Africa migrations. The linguistic research was said to have been conducted by Dr Quentin Atkinson, a biologist. Though I find it hard understand the practice of linguistics by a Biologist, yet this research supports our thesis, nevertheless.

I have been getting mails from colleagues and readers who maintain that this research corroborates our thesis published in the Adam Trilogy, where our research team maintain, based on our linguistic findings that Homo Erectus left Africa with language and culture and a set of cosmic symbols which are found on stones and rock all over the world.

The DISCOVERY that language first developed in Sub-Saharan Africa was first released fromthe findings of the Catherine Acholonu Research Center in 2009 and was aired on C-Span Book TV in New York. All our findings in this regard are published in our ground-breaking/award-winning Trilogy - The Gram Code of African Adam (2005); They Lived Before Adam (2009); The Lost Testament of the Ancestors of Adam(2010).

The Adam Trilogy proffers a pile of proofs that our researchers amassed over a period of twenty years in three volumes totalling about 1,500 pages of research to the effect that (among other things) Homo erectus had a language and a culture before leaving Africa, and that the mother language of humanity originated in the Niger -Congo/Chad basin area of Africa, not Southern Africa as the new research purports.As a matter of fact,what this new research calls "South-West Africa" should be understood as "West Africa", as opposed to "Northern Africa" because the Bantus who populate much of East, Central and Southern Africa migrated from Nigeria as linguists have long proved. Similarity]ies of words and meanings including their clan name, show that the Shan/San Bushmen of the South African Kalahari most likely migrated from West African cave-men called Nshiamong the Igbo of Nigeria.

The new research by Atkinson is based only on phonemes (sounds), but the Catherine Acholonu Research Center used both phonemes (common sounds) and morphemes of common meanings (cognates) as well as paleontological and archaeological evidence to prove our point that all languages originated from West Africa in the Nigeria/Cameroon/Chad axis. In fact Australopithecus lived in Chad/Nigeria basin by 7 million BC and Homo Erectus his direct descendant lived in Igbo land in Nigeria by 500,000 - 1 million BC according to the findings of French palaeontologist Prof. Michel Brunet andNigerian archaeologist, Prof. F.N. Anozie of the University of Nigeria.

That first language - the mother of all languages was traced all the way through Hebrew, Canaanite, Akkadian, the Americas, Chinese, Eastern and Western European languages, ancient Egyptian, even Sanskrit in our Adam Trilogy. (See the speech by Prof. Catherine Acholonu on C-Span Book TV in July/August, 2009 at the Harlem Book Fair, Schomburg Center, New York, aired thrice in July and August, 2009 (available online on U-Tube or C-Span Library).

Our new book The Lost Testament of the Ancestors of Adam (2010) demonstrates that Egyptian hieroglyphics, as well as many ancient inscriptions of the Middle East can be traced back to bronze and pottery inscripotions on Igbo Ukwu archeological artifacts dug up by a British archaeologist in the 1950s, and to some extent to pre-historic stone inscriptions located in Ikom villages in Cross River State, Nigeria.

We found several words of common sounds and meanings in both Igbo and Egyptian, which means that ancient Egyptians spoke Igbo language or a related dialect; but most shockingly, we found that Igbo Ukwu, the town where the enigmatic artifacts were dug up in the 1950s is still standing on a buried city outside living memory. That city's buried artfacts (the few that were dug up by archaeologists) have been found to conform to a large extent to totems known to be associated with the Egyptian gods Nut,Thoth, Isis and Osiris, and with the Egyptian creation story, leading to the suspicion that we might be dealing with the lost Egyptian Edenic capital- Heliopolis and the lost nation of Punt/Tilmun - the land of the gods of Egypt and Sumer. The discovery that THERE IS A BURIED CITY THERE changes everything previously thought about Africa, and creates the notion that there might be other buried cities in the Nigerian cultural environment such as Nok, Oyo, Benin, etc.

The new research by Atkinson did not pin-point that original African mother-language, which keeps their work still in the realm of speculation. But we did. In fact we went as far as answering the now emerging question, What language did God speak? and What language did Adam speak? (see volume 2 of the Trilogy, They Lived Before Adam, which won the 2009 International Book Awards in USA)?

Our research, paralleling that of oriental linguist Ralph Ellis, shows that the language spoken in Eden by Adam and his family was the same language used by "God" in uttering the words of Genesis as contained in Hebrew Torah and in ancient Egyptian creation myth and language: "Let there be ...", "Let the waters be gathered to one place...". The Torah using words that matched ancient Egyptian says that the vernacular words used by God for "Let there be" were hahya uwr. In Igbo language of Nigeria, the equivalent is haa ya owuru, meaning 'let it be allowed to be'! In both Hebrew and ancient Egyptian, the words, which God uttered to "divide the waters", were qavah and Khef,respectively (see Ralph Ellis - Tempest and Exodus/Eden in Egypt). Ellis' study indicates that these words mean in Hebrew and Egyptian 'sweep the waters away' and 'tie them together'.The Igbo equivalents are Kwaa va, kwoo va and Kee fa (meaning - 'push away the wall of water', 'sweep them away' and 'tie them together', respectively. Igbo language is still spoken today by the Igbo people of southeastern Nigeria.

This discourse is taken up fully in my article titled "IGBO LANGUAGE: A FORMER GLOBAL LINGUA FRANCA AND THE MOTHER OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES" presented at the Igbo Studies Association Conference, at Howard University, 8-9th April, 2011 and published on our center's website www.carcafriculture.org. But our detailed analyses are to be found in the trilogy, which are available on Amazon and Paypal.

Professor Catherine Acholonu,
Lead-author, The Gram Code of African Adam;
They Lived Before Adam;
Jan 26, 2015
Who Are The Yorubas, Where Did They Come From And What Is Their History?

By Femi Fani-Kayode


Your Goal determines your directions whilst your desires drives your actions”

By: Benjamin Sabbah Somi

The ''Yorubas'' are the descendants of Ham who was the third son of Noah. They are the direct ancestors of Cush, the son of Ham, and the black Cushyte migrants and settlers that refused to go to Africa with the other descendants of Cush and his son Nimrod but that rather chose to settle in the ancient Cities of Mecca and Medina in what is presently known as Saudi Arabia. They were there as settlers for thousands of years and they constituted a prosperous powerful, large and respected minority within the larger Arab community.

However they were eventually driven out of those Arab towns and communities and forced to leave them for refusing to give up their religious faith, their deep mysticism and paganism and their idol worship after Islam was introduced to those places by the Prophet Mohammed in 600 AD. They then migrated to the banks of the great River Nile in Egypt where they intermingled with the Egyptian Arabs, the Nubians and the Sudanese of the Nile. Many remained there but the bulk of them eventually migrated to what is now known as the north-eastern zone of Nigeria and once again mingled and bred with the Shuwa Arabs and the Kanuris of the Borno people. From there they eventually migrated down south to the forests and farm lands of what is now known as south-western Nigeria making their primary place and location of pagan worship Ile-Ife. Ife was to the Yoruba gods what Mecca is to the Muslims and the establishment of Ife as the centre of all that is Yoruba was confirmed by Oduduwa himself when he sent his sons out from Ife to other parts of Yorubaland to establish their own independent kingdoms.

It was after that that we broke up into various kingdoms and communities within what is now known as south-western Nigeria. Some of those kingdoms and empires were sophisticated, powerful, large and great (like the Oyo Empire which was one of the greatest empires that ever existed on the African continent and indeed the world and which was responsible for halting the ''jihad'' of Usman Dan Fodio from coming any further south by defeating the Fulanis and their allies in battle and confining them to Ilorin) and some were not so great and large. These Yoruba kingdoms spent hundreds of years fighting one another in totally unnecessary wars but it is a historical fact that they were never defeated in any war or conquered by any foreign army. Yet the only thing that they had in common amongst themselves was their language (which broke into different dialects depending on where you were), their historical stock, their affinity and respect for Ile-Ife and their acknowledgement of it as being their spiritual home and their anthropological source.

This group of different kingdom states with a common ancient root were collectively known as the ''Yoruba'' and the fact of the matter is that the word ''Yoruba'' has NO meaning in our language or any other language that is known to man. No-one has been able to tell us the meaning of the word ''Yoruba'' or indeed where it came from. This really is very strange and is indeed a deep and unsettling mystery. For all we know it could even be an ancient insult. That is why I have always preferred to be referred to as an ''Ife'' rather than a ''Yoruba''. Another question that is often asked is why did our forefathers indulge in all the mass migrations from first Mecca, then to Egypt, then to Borno and then finally to the plains and forests of what was to become, thousands of years later, the western region of modern-day Nigeria? Well my own personal theory is that the reason that our forefathers kept having to emigrate until we found somewhere of our own was because we refused to give up our pagan beliefs and practices and when Islam was eventually introduced or took full root in all the areas that we once settled our forefathers were no longer comfortable there and they must have suffered all manner of persecution for their tenacity to their ancient pagan and ''Ifa'' faith and practices. Whatever the reasons for the mass migrations may have been it is clear that the influences of paganism, their traditional faith of ''Ifa'' worship, the Egyptians, the Nubians, the Sudanese, the Arabs and the Kanuris is very strong amongst the Yorubas, their music, their language and their culture till today.
The religious faiths of Islam and Christianity both came much later and were both established primarily through the strong trade links that existed between the Yoruba and the north-western Hausa/Fulani caliphate from the north, the Turkish traders of the Ottoman empire of the southern Atlantic African coast from the south, the primarily Portuguese and European sailors and traders who plied that same southern Atlantic coast from the south and finally with the strong efforts of the Christian missionaries of both the Anglican and Catholic churches respectively. Both of these two great monotheic faiths of Christianity and Islam eventually took full root in the land and in the hearts and minds of the Yoruba people whilst paganism, the worship of ''ifa'' and the practice of our original and more traditional faith was eventually pushed to the back seat even though initially, and for hundreds of years, they were both fiercely resisted.
That is why, till today, it is very rare to find a Yoruba family that does not have Christians, Muslims and adherents of the more traditional and ancient tribal faiths in their ranks. The slow and massive migration of our forefathers from the Middle East, north Africa and north-eastern Nigeria to our own homelands in the south-west are why the Yoruba, together with the northerners of what is presently known as northern Nigeria are generally known as the ''Sudanese Nigerians'' whilst the Nigerians from the rest of southern Nigeria, which comprise of the Igbo race and the people of the south-south are generally known as the ''Bantu Nigerians''.

Chief Femi Fani-Kayode was the spokesperson to President Olusegun Obasanjo; he subsequently became Minister of Tourism & Culture & later served as Aviation

And here exerpts from another which makes similar claims:

KMT to Yoruba: links to ancient Egypt?

There is a revival of research interest in the sciences and spiritual powers of the peoples forced out of KMT (ancient Egypt) by successive invading forces.

The Yoruba people currently number over 15 million. According to their legends, they came from the East, to settle in what is now Nigeria, Togo, and the Republic of Benin (Dahomey). Many historians believe that the Yoruba migrated to their present home from Upper Egypt, between 600 and 1000 A.D. They are city-dwellers. Their ancient cities of Ife and Oyo were founded between 800 and 1000 A.D.

The Yoruba have always had a monarch, whom they believe to be descended from their gods. However, the Yoruba government and social structure is not dictatorial. Responsibilities are shared. Although recognition and respect for rank is evident, there is also the possibility of moving up in rank through hard work. In fact, the Yoruba describe their culture as "a river that is never at rest".
Jan 26, 2015
Uh. The first picture are Veves.
it's speculated veve writing system Nsibidi origins and considering the similarities i feel it's highly likely:manny:

The origin is unknown and conflicting, a few have thought that the veve was derived from the beliefs of the Indigenous Taíno people but it is commonly believed to have possibly originated from the cosmogram of the Kongo people; or originated as the Nsibidi system of writing for the Igboid and Ekoid languages from West and Central Africa.