A. Come together how, to invade a country on false pretenses and waste trillions of dollars? One that not everyone was on board with, massive protests and public sentiment turned over the years after the invasion? What progress has been made?
B. Come together how? To march chanting slogans, take pictures and then go back home? I went to one and very few that i met were even politically active, which is where change is made.
You had the rich looking down at people marching for "progress" while drinking champagne smiling and laughing. I bet you those people are even richer than they were and the people below are even poorer, so what was the point? What progress has been made?
C. Come together how? BLM is a slur at this point for at least half the country and those same people do not give a shyt about Floyd. A lot of the BLM/DEI initiatives companies were creating have already been rescinded or being done now given Trump is back in office. What progress was made?