"Now they tryin to bust our only code of communicating with our people"


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May 9, 2012
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HIP-HOP is lyrical but it's not all about fancy wordplay and elaborate rhyme schemes. (anyone can put big words and long drawn out sentences together). But there are certain intangibles that I place more stock/value in then just straight lyricism. CACs will never be able to understand the appeal of a Rick Ross or a Yo Gotti, a Boosie or even a Chief Keef.


Can’t move with me in this digital space
May 1, 2012
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HIP-HOP is lyrical but it's not all about fancy wordplay and elaborate rhyme schemes. (anyone can put big words and long drawn out sentences together). But there are certain intangibles that I place more stock and value in then just straight lyricism. CACs will never be able to understand the appeal of a Rick Ross or a Yo Gotti, a Boosie or even a Chief Keef.

Yeah I see everyone hating on Keef but they don't get that he has to exist. Before Keef I didn't see anyone talk about Chicagos youth. Rhymefest didn't make any blog post about it, no 18 page threads were made about it.

Keef and them made such a loud noise with their music that he forced peoples eyes on Chicago. You can look at it how NWA made America look at Compton and S.C. LA. Then they want to shut him up and go away instead of seeing what's going on over there.

Then they'll say how the youth uses his music for drivebys but don't realize that if it wasn't Chief it'd be someone else playing in the whip. shyt gang violence was going on when dudes were bootlegging beer listening to Jazz.

It's like this is what happens when you throw a group of people away, keep them away from jobs, pump drugs into their communities, make laws that target specific races/ethnicities. Now deal with what you created but instead they want him to shut up and go away so they can continue to act like those problems don't exist.

Then I hear shyt like "Yeah but the other music talked about the bad side" :rudy: Chief Keef is 16 what bad side does he know about yet. Dude wouldn't even get tried as an adult. Anyway better for him and his boys to make music than be out causing trouble.

Whenever someone brings up Chief Keefs name Chicagos youth is brought up how is that a bad thing?


custom user title
May 9, 2012
Yeah I see everyone hating on Keef but they don't get that he has to exist. Before Keef I didn't see anyone talk about Chicagos youth. Rhymefest didn't make any blog post about it, no 18 page threads were made about it.

Keef and them made such a loud noise with their music that he forced peoples eyes on Chicago. You can look at it how NWA made America look at Compton and S.C. LA. Then they want to shut him up and go away instead of seeing what's going on over there.

Then they'll say how the youth uses his music for drivebys but don't realize that if it wasn't Chief it'd be someone else playing in the whip. shyt gang violence was going on when dudes were bootlegging beer listening to Jazz.

It's like this is what happens when you throw a group of people away, keep them away from jobs, pump drugs into their communities, make laws that target specific races/ethnicities. Now deal with what you created but instead they want him to shut up and go away so they can continue to act like those problems don't exist.

Then I hear shyt like "Yeah but the other music talked about the bad side" :rudy: Chief Keef is 16 what bad side does he know about yet. Dude wouldn't even get tried as an adult. Anyway better for him and his boys to make music than be out causing trouble.

Whenever someone brings up Chief Keefs name Chicagos youth is brought up how is that a bad thing?

excellent post!

although I'm not excusing the violence... It's hypocritical for anyone look down on or demonize Chief Keef and the youth of this generation for how they choose to express themselves (verbally and physically).


It's always been violent...the country was established through violence & slavery, continued to use violent means to expand its territory and still employs violence to achieve it's geopolitical objectives and maintain its economic and political supremacy internationally.

Criticizing the Chief Keef's of this world by anyone who participates or enjoys privileges from "America" is nothing but the pot calling the kettle black.

If we are serious about stopping the violence in America's cities...we would be strictly talking about providing economic opportunities for those who live in disenfranchised neighbourhoods. That's really the only way to prevent people from taking part in destructive behaviours.