I'm a PND apologist so I'll put that card on the table from the jump. Bryson & him are my 2 favorites from that sound. After sitting with it for a week, I'd say its a solid 3.5/5 album and the best we could have gotten from those 2 together. Definitely should have been more PND on here though. IMHO:
Great songs
Crying in Chanel
Gimme a Hug
Raining In Houston
Good songs
Something about you
Small Town Fame
Somebody Loves me
Greedy (minus the weird filler bs at the end)
Absolute Trash/Insta-skips
Meet Your Padre
Die Trying
Pimmie's Dilemma (interludes aren't real, congrats to her for blowing up a bit tho)
Everything else is fine but forgettable. What y'all think?
Daps + Rep for people who actually speak on the music