I feel good after running. I run a lot. It’s not uncommon for me to do 4-5 miles on rolling hills with only one 2 minute break halfway. I used to run everyday, but my IT Bands were hurting my knees really bad due to lack of stretching and really tight quads. Now I’m in recovery mode and into stretching A LOT more. Gonna start running a lot soon, but gotta take care of my body and stretch everyday. That being said.....
I feel good after my runs, but it’s only an accomplishment type of feeling.
I don’t think I get a “runner’s high”, but if I did, I wouldn’t know. I feel a sense of delight when I run past people on trails and I’m looking like a beast that doesn’t tire. People give me the

look. But that’s just a prideful feeling. Especially if I run past a cute fit chick. Or if I’m on a treadmill and a baddie gets on another one next to me. I feel like Adonis Creed sometimes.
I just feel good after my runs. Certain songs make me feel some type of way when running, too.