of Savannah ??? of Savannah ???
Bron better get them on that beisbol.
@ the comments about LeBron's son though, nothing mean about them but people commentating on the fact kid is like 7 and diesel.
That's because unlike Kobe, Bron isn't a dumbass...Well, Savannah seems dumb. I find that alone attractive. She just seems thankful that Bron took her out of that hellhole. You can tell she really has no power over him. Vanessa owns Bean.
No way Vanessa would have all those kids without financial security either.
That's because unlike Kobe, Bron isn't a dumbass...
He didn't wife up a video smut Mexican without an ironclad prenup...Savannah knows its in her best interest to play her roll, unlike Vanessa who can walk away with 50% of Kobe's money and assets whenever she wants...
Vanessa by a loooong shot. Vanessa exotic look>>>>>>>decent black chick
Dog, you should see the Mexican women thread in TLR.Kobes wife just fell off horribly...and has the misfortune of looking likea bootleg Kim KardashianKobe rolled the dice pickin a mexican...them women be fallin off overnight in the face and blowin up like a overnight sensation in the body
...but if u don't stop comparin extra regular savannah with Vanessa
using Gabrielle Union pics to help u cheat btw lol.....Lebron got the right idea tho,the nikkas with extra regular wives end up better until the player retires and has to start bringing bytches back to the house that point the woman can't pretend he on the road bein faithful.
Oh yeah Vanessa u ungrateful bitter women who never gave Beans sons to grow up and become Laker legendsafter Kobe retires we woulda just had to wait a few years for the second coming....and before u even say it...."Kobes sons ending up like Ordans son?
"....wouldna had a choice but to be global status
There was time Vanessa wasn't being touched but she's Mexican and gained weight while Savannah gained a couple pounds but still look damn good.