Train hard, fight easy
That dog came out swinging like a muthafukking G
He held it down and walked away with his life.. only to probably get eaten up on a later night

That dog came out swinging like a muthafukking G
They don't respect dogs man
Leopards?One of the weakest cats on earth. Ive had more problems getting my old house cat to take a bath. I mean leopards show the aggressive content and all that but whenyou know BJJ and show no fear because God gave man dominion over all beasts, they become just another dumb animal.
Leopard aint shyt to the black man.
Ageing Farmer Kills Leopard With Bare Hands In Kenya
Nairobi (AFP) Jun 22, 2005A 73-year-old man used his bare hands to tear out the tongue of a leopard that attacked him in Kenya and killed it, a newspaper said Wednesday of an incident confirmed by the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).![]()
The 73-year-old Daniel M'Mburugu was working in his potato garden near Mount Kenya in the centre of the country when the animal, apparently aggressive, hurtled from nearby grass and charged towards him.
"It let out a blood-curdling snarl that made the birds stop chirping. I froze for some seconds, then it dawned on me that death was staring at me on the face," he told the Standard Newspaper.
M'Mburugu, a peasant farmer, dropped the machete he was carrying and forced his hand into the leopard's mouth, pulling out its tongue in an act of self-defence, according to the report in the daily.
"A voice, which must have been from God, whispered to me to drop the panga (machete) and thrust my hand into its wide open mouth, I obeyed," he said, explaining that the leopard sank its teeth into his wrist, but would not let go.
As the struggle continued, M'Mburugu realised that the animal's "breathing was belaboured", prompting him to keep pulling the tongue.
Villagers only responded when the animal lay dying and he gained instant status as a village hero, the paper said.
"Wardens said the leopard attacked the man because it was injured elsewhere ... wild animals are usually very aggresive and attack unprovoked when injured," KWS spokesman Edward Indakwa told AFP.
"Nevertheless, he was lucky," he added of the incident that occurred early this month.
Incidents of human-wildlife conflict in the east African nation are common, mostly near game parks and national reserves.
I'd like to see the leopard from OP shoot the fair one with a rottweiler and see if he's really about that life or just a hoe ass nikka. I'm not impressed by either video posted thus the first vid he literally caught the dog sleeping and the second dog might as well have been a house cat
I'm a dog lover, but a leopard will slap the shyt out of a dog.
You know how i would kill a leopard?Leopards kill more people than lions or tigers.
How leopards kill you is they launch and grab you up high while their back legs empty out your intestines. Your hands are generally busy keeping their mouth off your throat.
You know how i would kill a leopard?
Brazillian Jiujitsu.
A Leopard has never been armbarred and a leopard has never been punched in the face with a savage right hook.
snatched that boy outta his sleep and dragged him home![]()
Leopards?One of the weakest cats on earth. Ive had more problems getting my old house cat to take a bath. I mean leopards show the aggressive content and all that but whenyou know BJJ and show no fear because God gave man dominion over all beasts, they become just another dumb animal.
The man in that video was a coward who was more cocerned about living then he was maintaining his self respect.
The leopard is probably my favorite animal. It rolls dolo and still eats more regularly than a pride of lions. You gotta realize leopards aren't that big either, females like 120lbs, males might be like 180lbs. But they drag animals twice their weight up trees.