North Carolina Republicans sue to preserve racial gerrymandering


Dec 2, 2015
:laff: "the people". The Democratic Party is the term you are looking for sir.

The election season is over nikka. What are you talking about with phrases such as "blindly voting". The people in legislative positions committed to fighting racial gerrymandering are already in place. This is another red herring you're using to shift the focus of this story onto the Democratic Party and the not the GOP that is responsible, yet again, for racial discrimination.

The people who "continue to do nothing" for blacks have got it from here.

this guy...:heh:

Election season is never over, if you vote, you should be watching these folks all the time and letting them know, if they fukk up they are out.
As for the Dems I haven't shifted anything, I commend the people fighting against the gerrymandering, that said i still hope the folks use the power they are gaining and hold these dems accountable.

I find it funny how mad you are getting with the concept of the black electorate holding the dem party accountable for their support though.

That said you seem like a person who is prone to arguing and getting angry off emotion.

Have a good one.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
:laff: "the people". The Democratic Party is the term you are looking for sir.

The election season is over nikka. What are you talking about with phrases such as "blindly voting". The people in legislative positions committed to fighting racial gerrymandering are already in place. This is another red herring you're using to shift the focus of this story onto the Democratic Party and the not the GOP that is responsible, yet again, for racial discrimination.

The people who "continue to do nothing" for blacks have got it from here.

this guy...:heh:

This man is a moron. He's trying to call it neutral when there is clearly a guilty party and a party trying to stand up for black folks. In this case the guilty party is unsuprisingly the state GOP, and the one trying to stand up for black folks is the NC Democratic Party. Yet he can't resist the urge to say Democrats don't do anything for Black voters. Even in a case so cut and dry as this, he does not have a single criticism specifically for the Republicans and advocates for blacks to vote for them.


Dec 2, 2015
This man is a moron. He's trying to call it neutral when there is clearly a guilty party and a party trying to stand up for black folks. In this case the guilty party is unsuprisingly the state GOP, and the one trying to stand up for black folks is the NC Democratic Party. Yet he can't resist the urge to say Democrats don't do anything for Black voters. Even in a case so cut and dry as this, he does not have a single criticism specifically for the Republicans and advocates for blacks to vote for them.
How have I called anything neutral when I clearly said i hope they can fix this situaation.
You seem to have a persecution complex regarding the democratic party, more so than hope that black americans in NC use their power properly and make sure the ones they put in power take care of them and make them a priority.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
How have I called anything neutral when I clearly said i hope they can fix this situaation.
You seem to have a persecution complex regarding the democratic party, more so than hope that black americans in NC use their power properly and make sure the ones they put in power take care of them and make them a priority.

No don't try and tell me what you said in a thread where... I just read it :dead:

Secondly, trying to accuse me of being a Democratic party shill? :heh:

You didn't say that anyway, you tried to make this about how in your opinion Democrats do nothing for Black people, in a thread that is about Black Democratic party officials standing up for Black people and the rule of law :heh:

You are confused because you choose to be so.
Its very simple, black americans have a poor habit of blindly voting for Dems as a monolithic block, but not demanding anything from them like other racial blocks. Which is why blacks can overwhelmingly determine elections as a block, but Dems continue to do nothing for them, but hey Israelis get those billions every year, gays get their money, asians get their kick backs locally, what do black gets from the dems?

There are over 40 million Black people in America, you don't see the difference between them and the few million Asian Americans and Jewish Americans? :heh:


Dec 2, 2015
No don't try and tell me what you said in a thread where... I just read it :dead:

Secondly, trying to accuse me of being a Democratic party shill? :heh:

You didn't say that anyway, you tried to make this about how in your opinion Democrats do nothing for Black people, in a thread that is about Black Democratic party officials standing up for Black people and the rule of law :heh:

There are over 40 million Black people in America, you don't see the difference between them and the few million Asian Americans and Jewish Americans? :heh:

You can't read if you claim some how I'm caping for GOP.
Dems don't do anything for black americans, its not a secreat that they don't, dems aren't fighting this for black people, they are fighting this for their own political benefit.

Black amerians makes up 13% of the population
Asians make up 12% of the population
jews make up 1.4% of the population

Why is it that as the largest minority block, black americans suport the Dem party overwhelmingly, but get nothing from it like all the other blocks?

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
You can't read if you claim some how I'm caping for GOP.
Dems don't do anything for black americans, its not a secreat that they don't, dems aren't fighting this for black people, they are fighting this for their own political benefit.

Black amerians makes up 13% of the population
Asians make up 12% of the population
jews make up 1.4% of the population

Why is it that as the largest minority block, black americans suport the Dem party overwhelmingly, but get nothing from it like all the other blocks?

That's more nonsense and pure conjecture. First of all, Asians make up 5% of the population. Secondly, to say they get "nothing from it like all other blocks" is just a childish tripe. Obviously Black people as a whole cannot get individual hand outs from the government because they voted for a certain party, that is not what people vote for contrary to what conservatives believe. If anything, Black people voting against insane Republicans has been a safeguard against the rapid deterioration of America and all other groups should be thankful to them for voting so staunchly Democratic.


The Culture
Aug 24, 2012
You are confused because you choose to be so.
Its very simple, black americans have a poor habit of blindly voting for Dems as a monolithic block, but not demanding anything from them like other racial blocks. Which is why blacks can overwhelmingly determine elections as a block, but Dems continue to do nothing for them, but hey Israelis get those billions every year, gays get their money, asians get their kick backs locally, what do black gets from the dems?

this is true (NC native and resident here) especially here. I think your BASIC point is being missed. As far as Dems doing anything, at who's best interest is it in? Is it for the black people or the party itself?


Dec 2, 2015
That's more nonsense and pure conjecture. First of all, Asians make up 5% of the population. Secondly, to say they get "nothing from it like all other blocks" is just a childish tripe. Obviously Black people as a whole cannot get individual hand outs from the government because they voted for a certain party, that is not what people vote for contrary to what conservatives believe. If anything, Black people voting against insane Republicans has been a safeguard against the rapid deterioration of America and all other groups should be thankful to them for voting so staunchly Democratic.

You are right, I had the stats for asians mixed up with growth rate for asians.
That said, same principle applies.

Jews have got US money for the holocaust, Asians were given reperations for interment during WW2. What has the US given black americans? What have democrats in power done for black americans in terms of granting retribution? I know Obama himself said its too divisive to give the US black reparations.

Asian americans can get individual financial retribution, jews can get individual financial compensation, people in zip codes can get individual fiancial compensation for natural disasters but black americans can't get anything? Rich whites, mexicans, jews, and asians all vote for parties that they hold accountable for their support, yet you are trying to tell me it isn't possible by vote and election?

I didn't say blacks had to vote for GOPs, i saying I hope they hold specific people accountable, hold these parties and go 3rd party if neccessary, but the Dems need to be held accountable by black dem voting base.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
You are right, I had the stats for asians mixed up with growth rate for asians.
That said, same principle applies.

Jews have got US money for the holocaust, Asians were given reperations for interment during WW2. What has the US given black americans? What have democrats in power done for black americans in terms of granting retribution? I know Obama himself said its too divisive to give the US black reparations.

Asian americans can get individual financial retribution, jews can get individual financial compensation, people in zip codes can get individual fiancial compensation for natural disasters but black americans can't get anything? Rich whites, mexicans, jews, and asians all vote for parties that they hold accountable for their support, yet you are trying to tell me it isn't possible by vote and election?

I didn't say blacks had to vote for GOPs, i saying I hope they hold specific people accountable, hold these parties and go 3rd party if neccessary, but the Dems need to be held accountable by black dem voting base.

You're talking about hundreds of thousands of people getting money from the government for crimes committed during the 20th century, and now conflating that with Blacks not getting reparations as an example of Blacks not getting anything from their government. There are 40+ million African Americans what program similar to the internment camp reparation could they possibly expect? You know that there are more African Americans than there are people who live in Canada? How could a group of people that large expect direct financial compensation from any source including the US Government? What a red herring.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
You're okay with racial gerrymandering? You're okay with the GOPs laws that discriminate unconstitutionally against blacks?

You put words i never said nor believe in my mouth.:ehh: duly noted.:ehh: we just had some good discussions from brehs in here going back n forth. I enjoyed it.

All i said was less partisian stanning is a good thing. I guess that touched a nerve with you.:ehh:

Lay off the stanning:ehh:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
You are confused because you choose to be so.
Its very simple, black americans have a poor habit of blindly voting for Dems as a monolithic block, but not demanding anything from them like other racial blocks. Which is why blacks can overwhelmingly determine elections as a block, but Dems continue to do nothing for them, but hey Israelis get those billions every year, gays get their money, asians get their kick backs locally, what do black gets from the dems?

You can't read if you claim some how I'm caping for GOP.
Dems don't do anything for black americans, its not a secreat that they don't, dems aren't fighting this for black people, they are fighting this for their own political benefit.

I just need to highlight the movement of the argument. It started off as Democrats do nothing for black people. Now its Democrats aren't fighting this for black people.

Why is it that as the largest minority block, black americans suport the Dem party overwhelmingly, but get nothing from it like all the other blocks?

Serious questions that I know you and the rest of the #splitthevote brigade will avoid:
- Do you guys count fighting discriminatory policies as something the Democrats do for black people?
- If you believe everything Democrats do is for their own political benefit, then aren't they always in a lose lose situation with you?
- At some point, when do you recognize that the statement "Dems don't do anything for black americans" has an answer that includes "because republicans block every initiative aimed at improving the quality of life for black americans"?


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
this is true (NC native and resident here) especially here. I think your BASIC point is being missed. As far as Dems doing anything, at who's best interest is it in? Is it for the black people or the party itself?

No his point is completely understood.

It's a stupid point when made in a thread about Republican racial gerrymandering when it's only Democratic congressmen/women fighting against it.

This thread, the article, completely eviscerates two statements:
- Democratic voters don't hold democratic politicians accountable
- Democratic congressmen/women do nothing for democratic voters

It's like you guys go out of your way to ignore the reality that one party alone supports black policies and another party acts in direct opposition to these policies on every level of government. Why wouldn't blacks "blindly" vote democrat when the other party consistently opposes any type of political or economic measure aimed to help black voters? It's like y'all only see that blacks are voting Democrat and are completely dismissing the other aspect of the equation which is blacks rejecting the policies and direction of the Republican party.