I can't believe some of you clowns actually think this is real. :deadsager: Most of you obviously didn't read a word of it. Look at these quotes:
"Condoms have created a culture of permissiveness in our society," said Rep. Chris Whitless in a speech on the House floor,
"Everywhere I go I see kids 'hooking up' and 'bumping uglies'. They don't give a damn about the holy sacrament of marriage!
"My best friend has a smoking hot 18 year old daughter, for example. And when I asked her if she was in a relationship, she said she was 'friends with benefits' with someone.
Since when is it okay for women to engage in casual sex? I betcha a little gonorrhea would scare that strumpet straight. "
"If God wanted people to have sex outside of marriage, he wouldn't have created sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms and birth control subvert the will of the Lord by incentivising an immoral lifestyle.
"If every sexual encounter carries the risk of pregnancy, then these kids would be forced to save themselves for marriage like our Lord commands.
Besides, everyone knows that real mean don't use rubbers."
"Back when I was growing up my mother, she didn't do nothing but cook and clean and wash her children. Those were the good old days."