In any case Libyans on average still are more SSA admixed than Moroccans. Moroccans and Algerians have high amounts of South Mediterranean ,Levantine and Arabian ancestry.
That would actually be Algerians, Libyans, Tunisian and Egyptians... Moroccans high amount of Levantine? No, that belongs to modern Egyptians, especially considering their close proximity. Not denying high amount of Southern European admixture in Morocans. I would be insanse to deny Moroccans like this...
But hell... When you just type in Moroccans you get this...
white moroccans - Google Search
From what I've seen Moroccans based on their Nuclear DNA and Y-DNA are the most "African" compared to other North Africans. Again from what I am seeing and what some people of ES told me. You have to remember that even with the large non-African migration into North Africa(mainly around the end of the Moors), the Western Desert was still densily populated by indignous Africans, because the Western Desert/Morocco was the strong hold for the Moors and then Almoravids. So Africans still kinda remained there, but got mixed/absorbed by the large amount of foreign immigration. This is even documented iirc.
Algeria on the other hand was mostly sparsley populated and had no organized settlement, so I look at most Algerians as European/Western Asian transplants. Libya I consider KINDA in the same boat as Moroccan, but they still have less African admixture than Moroccans.
But I think it depends. In terms of MtDNA... Tunisians are the "most" African. In terms of Y-DNA Northwest Africans are "more" African than modern Egyptians. In terms of admixture/nuclear DNA Moroccans are more Africans. As a whole modern day North Africans are less African than other Africans.