The truth is that a significant portion of Hispanic are rac in my area. Infact I'd say 60 percent of latinos I've co
latinos. i have some im related to. but im not a racist. i know a ton of latinos that arent racist. should we be labeled as racist because there are other latinos who are?
should i hate all black people because of black crime? no because i know thats just a small percentage that commits those crimes.
u would think out of all groups it would be black people who would understand how wrong it is to be labeled because of the actions and feelings of a few in your group.
"oh black people are the only ones that get judged by their worst"

Beanz, why do even respond to my threads.
If you know that I'm telling the truth then what is the problem?
What you do in my position? Let me keep tryin to get me locked up?[/QUOTE]
There's no problem
The point of my post was I understand why blacks may feel this way towards Latinos
Actually a couple of months ago I responded to one of these type of threads warning yall to watch who you befriend because some Latinos will smile in your face but really think they're better than you
With that being said there's a lot of Generalizations and hateful things being said about Latinos in this thread and it's just kind of like damn