the artist
can someone break down (besides his guests)
why everyone hates on this and examples of shyt that should have gotten it canceled?
I dont keep up with any of these dudes
I want to understand the hate ive been seeing for years
Beforehand, it was just him being white in hip hop and then him gravitating to young drug addict rappers and enabling it.
Now it's bc black NJ basically saved the channel and he threw them all under the bus. First Hakeem, then Adam getting lush to expose Flakko not being from north Dakota and hiding his hands, then HP (his close friend he tried to expose for getting head from a trans girl), then him interviewing some weird alt right and white supremacists and basically being upset at his black cohosts for being mad at what they're saying and responding "emotionally" (before and after HP. Mr girl. Nick Fuentes etc), now what you're seeing
There's a lot of shyt in-between but I ain't got time for that