Okay this post is a bit longwinded but.....
Feel Like The brother Jason 2X, becomes a bit repetitive in his opening statements (jmo). Bro. Nuri Muhammad spoke/speaking (because its still on right now) on Revolution it seems (well he started out on that path). Love the brother analogy of revolution and change and how he use the comparisons between earth and man/woman. he is now speaking on King James....and the 100 year plan of kidnapping Africans and bringing them here (America), the next being KJ. KJ and Shakespeare relation with one another and the Psalms 46, his way (Shakespeare) of inserting his name in work from bottom to top.
Also spoke about the abundance of life and How to Eat To Live , and how it takes 75 years just to live which was spoken from the mouth of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The life expectancy of Adam and Seth and Enoch (made me think of something two brothers said by the name of Llaila Africa and Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango, that the life excepancy has somewhat diminish Kemetian ancestors being it Ramses live to be in his 100's). the notion of heaven and hell is a state of mind/conditions.
"the body is it own hospital" (<<<<<---------dont know if he taking about homeopathy/naturopathy????), the notion of doctors and there assertions (name-dropped Dr. OZ, lol),
How Satan/ or death dealers as he referred to them, has been using food to attack the human being and digestive system (made me think of the notion of these GMO Foods out on the market although he didn't reference it). Nutricide.
"Fluoride" in water amongst other things, a mind control drug used in the holocaust to make people more docile and even suicide. Estrogen in the food. Too much estrogen in a woman causes breast cancer. (Vitamin B, B- Complex , Vitamin C are a couple of things needed for this though)
The nutrients of the sun, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin K.
Calcium inphosphorous being sprayed on food.....the chemical containing arsenic, detrimental to the health.
Food= mental/physical. He made reference to something called nutrigeonics (spelling?).
English C-1, and how the sisters (Muslim Girls In Training. or outsiders) should stop feeding their children these bedtime stories and nursery rhymes (Readers Note: there is a lecture by Dr. Llaila Africa about the black mind and nursery rhymes, check that out when you all get a chance)
Question: And why do we fear? Answer: Because the devil taught him to eat the wrong food.
How food effects thought and behavior and television spoke on that sitcom called Scandal (i cant stand that show to be honest.)