on his build on the devil.
last week bascially covered syria and conflicts around the world and how they take out leaders...
this week should b good --- all the ones under ' time is now' should be good.
higher learning
What did his ''build'' on the devil entail?
any of you all caught this morning webcast?
Nope. When is the last time brother Abdul Muhammad spoke? I like to listen to listen to his builds.
it was last week he spoke. i like Abdul lectures as well, him and Brother Nuri are brother i keep my eye on as far as when they on the webcasts.
I gotta do the knowledge to that. But yeah like I said a lot of the ministers build the same way on the same topics(with religion at the core). But I be on the look out for Abdul and of course Farrakhan. Other than that I build with the gods & earths to sharpen the sword.
so what was today about.. seems like nobody watched it.