She's not a guarantee for Regan Democrats... many of them can go either way.. and many of them def don't like her image and still haven't learned, have you? You tried to tell me MI was a tossup state before the 2012 election. Obama ended up winning by 10 points. MI is a blue state and is not going to change for the foreseeable future. She killed Obama in the 2008 primary in FL...Ohio too. A lot of those older white Reagan Democrats who didn't vote for Obama will vote for Hillary. She has a wider base of support than him.
Hillary will have the easiest path to 270 of any presidential candidate since her husband in 96. She will coast to the presidency in 2016, guaranteed.
She has a wider base, I agree... she also has many haters. Since the 60's MI has mostly had republican governors. It's not really a liberal state and even the so called liberals here are Right on most social issues. Like with gun rights and similar issues MI is closer to TX than NY. Every year we vote Dem for pres... but every years it's considered a swing state because if the GOP candidate isn't a true conservative or simply weak like Mccain and Romney then they just wont vote. I think people are confused because of our major cities... the State is right leaning and is the state that started these crazy militia groups n sh1t. Randpaul would probably beat Hilliary in MI.
OH is a swing state as well. They picked the correct person in the last 11 elections. They will chose the winner more than likely in 2016. The state also leans conservative.
Florida went Dem - post bush... but mostly goes GOP since Regan. You don't see any way that the GOP can get Florida? The climate isn't the same during the time that Hillary beat obama. This isn't post Bush, we need to try something different.
You believe we are going to have 12 + years of Dem presidents?? You voted for Hillary over Obama? You really believe minorities and youth are going to parade around they way they did for Obama? Let just remember she lost to Obama for a reason... most people aren't in love with her as you seem to be. Hilary's only strengths are her fundraising ability and network.