That Night He Said "Im On The Knicks Bandwagon" And Got Harassed About It He Officially Started Riding The Nets lol
I was worried about dudes ACL he jumped off so fast.

But to be honest, would we ever really be comfortable with dude being on our side?
I see Melo getting a lot of shade for not playing. There's a difference between a broken finger, strained ligament and laceration. We don't know how bad that cut was. He just got the stitches last night. He can't do like Felton did last night and take the bandages off, those stitches will come loose and he'll have to leave the game for bleeding and get restitched. Melo's an adept dribbler with both hands and goes both ways, no homo. Having that big ass bandage on his hands definitely affects his game. Dude showed his toughness last year playing through a multitude of injuries and not complaining.