It's amazing how so many smart people have no clue about how human beings operate.
Violence for gain been going on for millions of years. It's evident from how chimpanzees behave.
in the paleolithic era 80% of all males died from violence. 80%. I mean get real people.
The greatest people in history, got what they want by smashing their enemies and using force. Ghengis Khan, Julius Caesar, Queen Elizabeth. These people built the great empires of all time.
I mean the Aryans spread their genetics from deep in Central Asia to all over the world not by being nice, but by a trail of bloodshed and enslavement. 10% of the world are descendants of Ghengis Khan!
Go to any prison yard dominated by lifers where social constraints no longer apply... the most violent and ruthless men control 100s if not 1000s of other men on the yard.
I don't see how any smart person can simple ignore the facts of history. Nice people lose.
After this post, I dont ever want to ever hear comment anything pertaining to black on black crime.....