The success of libertarian minded folks like Ron Paul, The Koch Bros, and Gov. Gary Johnson destroys any argument against libertarianism..
Ron Paul and Gary Johnson count only if you define success by "having a cult following".
...and the Koch Bros? Really breh?
Look at Detroit: 50 years of failed liberal policies. Corruption at all levels of government. Crippling wasteful spending and bankruptcy. Crime everywhere. Unemployment in the 20% range. Ridiculous pensions for corrupt/lazy city workers while the rest of the city starves. No accountability.
Now look at the alternative:
The city of Sandy Springs, Georgia privatized most of its public sector. The result: no tax increases in 8 years, literally ZERO debt, no corruption, efficient public services.
I'm from Detroit, and this is BS. It would've been in the same situation regardless of who was in charge. A huge portion of the population left due to white flight and the remaining tax base was simply too small to support the city. If there are 600,000 people living in a city designed for a million+ you're going to have problems regardless of who the mayor is.
And the Sandy Springs example is bullshyt, that's a city that was already affluent anyway and that basically separated itself from the poorer areas of the state. The fact that this works in an isolated place filled with people who are already rich means nothing. It's like a rich person saying that since they can afford to send their kids to private schools, public schools are no longer necessary.
Does the Sandy Springs approach work? It does for Sandy Springs, says the city manager, John F. McDonough, who points not only to the town’s healthy balance sheet but also to high marks from residents on surveys about quality of life and quality of government services.
But that doesn’t mean “the model” can be easily exported — Sandy Springs has the built-in advantage that comes from wealth — or that its widespread adoption would enhance the commonweal. Critics contend that the town is a white-flight suburb that has essentially seceded from Fulton County, a 70-mile-long stretch that includes many poor and largely African-American areas, most of them in Atlanta and points south.
The prospect of more Sandy Springs-style incorporations concerns people like Evan McKenzie, author of “Privatopia: Homeowner Associations and the Rise of Residential Private Government.” He worries that rich enclaves may decide to become gated communities writ large, walling themselves off from areas that are economically distressed.
But then again, let's be reality. Libertarianism IS rational if you're a rich white person. The American version of libertarianism is basically just a philosophy that people use to rationalize class privilege. Obviously the people with the most wealth and privilege would be interested in a philosophy that eliminates or minimizes wealth redistribution and rationalizes the current state of inequality. So in that sense you are right..if you're rich it's a perfectly rational philosophy.