The ironic thing about your situation and
@No_bammer_weed 's is
that you are literally the best intellectual on this forum when it comes to black empowerment and general knowledge.
@No_bammer_weed , one the other hand, is merely a charlatan and a psuedo-intellectual. He says much without ever saying anything whereas you write short succint posts that and provide answers. On the merits,
@No_bammer_weed is actually one of the worse posters on the forum.
The assertion that blacks need whites to stop being racist for blacks to advance is erronenous. For all of human history, most peoples and countries have had other peoples and countries oppose them. And yet most peoples and countries have still developed in spite of that hatred. In fact, hatred between cac countries is what DROVE their war capabilities and general societal progression. To survive against their peers, cacs had to get better at war and did get better as a result. First there were only bronze weapons, then there were steel, then there was plate armour, then there were rifles, and so and so forth.