The Young Bucks are exceptional, the main critique I'd give them is they should leave the match at the highest point sometimes instead of continuing and it being overkill. As talents they are phenomenal.
That’s my only complaint with the new style of wrestling, that huricanrana into the cutter spot should have ended the match. But instead there is always a kick out of the best spot in every match nowadays. Shot like top rope Spanish flys and Canadian destroyer should be protected more. I really don’t like the overuse of super kicks either but that move is long gone as a finisher. IMO the young bucks are good and have fun matches but until they and all these flippey dudes tone down the 17 finishers a match style they will never get over their actual finisher. Half the time the big spots look better than their finisher
Brock has been a victim of trying to protect Roman and the only way they know how to do that is have him seem super “tough”. But I know that’s a touchy subject so I’m a move onI agree with ending it at the right time for sure, I imagine it's out of a desire to give their all to the fans so the intentions may be good but sometimes less is more. 1 of their matches I saw recently was ridiculous, the amount of crazy shyt they did and everybody getting out of incredible spectacular moves. It took away all the believability, you want to suspend your disbelief when you watch but that shyt was way way overboard. I notice it in the crowd reactions too sometimes, they sometimes have them JUST ready at the very PINNACLE they can get them and instead of going home they have a false finish AGAIN, and another few and the end seems anticlimatic cause they had it 5 or 10 mins ago. There's an art to that, and a psychology, as athletes they are phenomenal, since I first ever saw them I thought they did some of the most amazing shyt I've ever seen and told everybody who likes wrestling I know about them but that is 1 of their current flaws. Last match was by and large fine, but 1 of the others, maybe have been against the Lucha Bros or something was just ridiculous. If they overdo the false finishes all the moves lose meaning because it's harder to go back to a standard normal move beating you. I hope it's an aspect they can improve on long term cause I think if they do they can be the best tag team in the business and 1 of the greatest of all time but they got to understand sometimes have a short action packed match and make your finisher get over. If you had some of the older classic legendary teams finishers being kicked out of all the time it loses appeal. Now Jericho's new finisher is a good example because it's been protected well, that's the wya to do it in my opinion, beat people with it over and over, then eventually on a huge stage have someone kick out, crowd go crazy, but it should be something that's used rarely not all the time. I dislike finisher spams. Brock has been terrible for that and Roman during their feud didn't help either, it is such a lazy way of doing a match. It's a real lack of storytelling, finishers are called finishers for a reason.
Brock has been a victim of trying to protect Roman and the only way they know how to do that is have him seem super “tough”. But I know that’s a touchy subject so I’m a move on
Kenny omega has protected his finish pretty good as well. In fact no one has ever kicked out of it.
Jericho has wwe/old school ring psychology which is why he knows how to do it. Which ironically is why he left wwe for good.
To be honest if your legend/ veteran who is still willing to work a full schedule chose to leave and start his own company, that says a lot about how frustrated he must have been
That’s my only complaint with the new style of wrestling, that huricanrana into the cutter spot should have ended the match. But instead there is always a kick out of the best spot in every match nowadays. Shot like top rope Spanish flys and Canadian destroyer should be protected more. I really don’t like the overuse of super kicks either but that move is long gone as a finisher. IMO the young bucks are good and have fun matches but until they and all these flippey dudes tone down the 17 finishers a match style they will never get over their actual finisher. Half the time the big spots look better than their finisher
at the Young Bucks running a "are we old and washed?" storyline as soon as they hit 30 and hairlines started to go
Within a year or two they're going to have to drop the Young part unless they want to be as silly as HBK still going by...HBK deep into his 40s and 50s.
Ric Flair is 70 and still the Nature Boy.
HBK is a brand. Young Bucks are a brand.