where you think cutoff is between size vs training
This is important and like I always say, most guys here clearly have limited fight experience...
I'd say the breaking point with height, probably was around 6'2 or so (estimating), as I'm 5'7. So 7 inches, say 6'1 to make it an even half-foot. That's where dudes heights starting becoming a challenge, the reach and length...
As far as weight? I was smaller when i was doing all this fighting, last fight I got into I'm pretty sure I was under 160 and most years I was in Tank's range, I was in the 130s and 140s. I just couldnt naturally gain weight when I was younger...
So we'll say I was 140 on average in all these fights, I wasn't having trouble with dudes under 2-something. Its difficult to say but you'd probably need at least 100 pounds on me for the weight to have presented a problem...
The variables you gotta account for here, are that I could fight, and the dudes who gave me issues or beat me up were guys who could really fight as well, irrespective of size...
Generally speaking, nobody anywhere near my dimensions gave me trouble. My dimensions, we'll just say within 2-3 inches and 25-30 pounds. If you were going to be any real threat to me you'd better have some kind of size advantage because if you were close? It wasn't happening...
But to the point of, the guys I lost to or had trouble with, the size didnt matter------>the worst ass whooping I ever took, buddy was maybe around 5'8, and if I was *around* 140 at the time, he was maybe 160. He was exactly someone in my physical dimensions and he whooped me up...
Other guys, again the size didn't matter so much as, could homie fight. I've been in fights with dudes as tall as 6'3/6'4, dudes as heavy as around 260 or so. One guy definitely had me by 100 pounds or so give or take and I ran it with him, probably to a draw. Another guy, same thing, had me by probably 60-70 pounds. Another guy was 6-7 inches taller and ~80 pounds heavier and I ran it with him with the hands, then when he grabbed me I lost, couldn't overcome it. But again je could fight...
So a minimum of 6 inches, probably a minimum of 100 pounds or so, for the SIZE to be problematic. But I've beat guys up over those dimensions so you just better know how to fight...
I haven't fought in years, unconditioned and outta shape, I'm 187 now. From a height perspective, I'll always like my chances with someone within a half-foot or 100 pounds of me, because I know the average guy is also unconditioned and outta shape like me. I also know the average guy can't fight and my experience would give me an edge over most people...
If a guy can really fight and I end up with him, then size/weight is irrelevant unless the nikka is like 6'7+ and 300+. Because if he can fight he'll give me some issues period...
So for Tank, especially him being trained, I'll just say the average guy within 6 inches (5'11) or 100 pounds (235) probably poses minimal threat. He'll know how to neutralize that...
I think OP is like 6'4, thats 11 inches on Tank. If OP can fight, thats a problem for Tank, 11 inches is drastic and ain't no telling the weight difference. If OP can't fight and doesn't know how to use size to his advantage, he'd lose...
If a guy can fight, it's more about the skill of the person he's fighting than the gap in weight class. Your typical fight isn't with guys way taller (6+ inches) and way heavier than you (100+ pounds)...
I’m past the age of getting into fights and into the age of shooting mothafukkas if they touch me, but a trained fighter would definitely mollywop most of you dudes on here, myself included.
I hate when guys say this

I'm not shooting nobody just because we get into a fight