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White House Menu Replaces English Muffins With ‘Freedom Muffins’
Aug 31, 2013
Preparations for war with Syria continue, the White House is quietly taking on another new enemy: the United Kingdom. A revised menu posted this morning at the official White House cafeteria in the West Wing has replaced "English Muffins" with "Freedom Muffins", in response to the U.K.'s refusal to join U.S. military action against the regime of Bashar Al-Assad.
The move comes just days after Britain's Parliament dramatically voted down a resolution authorizing its Prime Minister to take military action against Syria, which served to embarrass president Obama as he sought to build international support for the mission. Asked about the change during a routine press conference, White House spokesperson Jay Carney acknowledged the menu adjustment, but denied the President had any direct role in the decision. "Decisions about menu items are made by lower-level staff and the change does not necessarily reflect the president's thinking," he explained, "Clearly, however, there has been a shock to the so-called special relationship with the U.K., and I think this new menu reflects that."
A Taste of Liberty Freedom muffins - known simply as muffins in the U.K. - join a long line of foods to be renamed for political reasons. Hot dogs were once known as Frankfurters before the First World War and French Fries were famously called Freedom Fries in the mid-2000's to protest France's refusal to help the United States go to war in Iraq. This case is notable, however, because it concerns the United Kingdom, which has been America's closest ally in recent years. Having fought alongside with America in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya - Britain is now sitting on the sidelines for the first time since Vietnam.
Although the situation is the source of much consternation among much of the U.K.'s political establishment, Labour leader Ed Miliband - who led the charge against intervention - has a decidedly different view. "Frankly I think the Americans are a bunch of wankers," Miliband says in an exclusive interview,"They're just angry because we won't join them on their neo-liberal colonial adventure. Well you know what? fukk them. Britain isn't America's stooge anymore. "If France wants to replace us as America's closest ally, I say we let them. What have the yanks ever given us? McDonalds and subprime mortgages? We'll be fine without them. Good riddance." A spokesperson for John Boehner, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, says there are no plans to make the same name change in the Capitol Building's cafeteria.
That's why CNN even though they like to exaggerate said it was embarrassing for him.David Cameron supposedly secured the number of votes he needed before the vote... turned out ugly.
I wonder if he knows he doesn't have the votes and is looking to get an out on this unpopular issue the way Cameron basically got (whether he wanted it or not) when Parliament voted against UK action in Syria.I think he already ran it by Congress and knows he has the votes. I find it hard to believe he would risk taking that L.
You can't disturb Congress on their vacation...that would be unAmerican.September 9th though?
I have a healthy distrust of my government on most things but especially on matters of war and it will take more than a US assessment of the situation for me to start waving flags and putting ribbon magnets on my bumper sticker. So I don't really see the Iraq the Administration created a narrative to fit what they wanted to happen and I see it ass being the same in this situation.There is more evidence now in Syria than there ever was in Iraq... Iraq was about Saddam just having the weapons (WHICH HE DIDN'T)... Syria is about the dude using them which he did... don't see the diff brah?
That's the one I believe.I'm hearing two sides, what do you guys think it is: Obama is asking for Congress approval because he already has the votes OR Obama is asking for Congress approval so when they shut him down like parliament did Cameron he has an excuse to fall back from his "crossing the line" comments