Porn consumption does reduce your fertility rates, and it is one of the reasons the west has some of the lowest sperm counts worldwide. And PIED(Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction) is real. It's not that some of these people simply don't want to have kids, it is that some of these people simply CAN'T breed.
"LONDON (Reuters) - Sperm counts in men from America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand have dropped by more than 50 percent in less than 40 years, researchers said on Tuesday."
The trend has occurred over 40 years
"A majority of participants (except one) had pornography use experience, 94.2% participants started pornography use before college, and 95.9% participants reported they had masturbation experience when using pornography. Early contact to pornography, frequent pornography use, high amount of time spending on pornography use, and frequent masturbation during pornography use were correlated with addiction trends. Earlier pornography use was found to be associated with lower serum prolactin (PRL), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and progesterone (Prog), as well as lower sperm concentration and total sperm count. Higher frequency of pornography use was associated with lower serum estrogen (E2)."
This study aimed to investigate the situations of pornography use among male college students of China, to explore the addiction possibility for pornography use, and to study the associations between pornography use and reproductive hormone levels ...
These are some factors, but let's not play blind. Ideologies like LGBT, feminism and sexual liberation have a way bigger impact now. I mean, Western countries lead in abortions(different from contraceptives). Plus, they also struggle the most with high abuse of alcohol and drugs. I even think that these, now, have a bigger impact than what you listed. So it is not just a simple matter of money, jobs and contraceptives. It involves way more.
Which Asian countries? They always show as some of the biggest consumers of porn. I know that some of you see Asia as South Korea, China and Japan. But even if we use only these countries, it still wouldn't be true. So which Asian countries? Japan, that has vending machines for used girls panties and where freaks are known for stealing panties from girls just to smell it? Japan is one of the biggest consumers of porn.
"The two scientists conducted a survey of 1,011 adult men and women in Japan in 2022 and found that 7.3%, or 74 people, had problematic viewing habits, making such comments as, "I tried to stop but kept watching."
TOKYO -- While a large amount of traffic to the world's most viewed adult website comes from Japan, the effects of internet pornography are rarely dis
Of course, you are focusing only the highest birthrates, while I am focusing on those with replacement levels, and what you stated is not true for these cases. El Salvador, North Korea, Jamaica, Vietnam, Bangladesh etc are all poor and below replacement.