no self respecting black person can like Django after reading this.

Mike Otherz

All Star
Jun 7, 2012
just because QT said it was a spaghetti western doesnt make it true. The movie didn't feel like a spaghetti western at all the tone, cinematography e.t.c nothing screamed western hell did the movie even have any classic texas style standoffs/shootout? That wud be a no. If u want to be one of those simpletons that rationalises django's poor characterisation as "its a hallmark for spaghetti westerns to have protagonists say nothing" then go ahead. You will fit right at home with the crowd that QT is tryin to sell on the notion he should be applauded, that django unchained brought ppl to discuss slavery.
man there is so much of this going around. i have seen people, like Harry Allen try and say this isnt a film about slavery, its a film about other films that dealt with black people. so this isnt a critique of slavery per se, its of films like Mandigo, and The Searchers and Roots etc. some of these intellectuals are overthinking this stuff. like we are so dumb but they are so insightful. fact is, i aint seen all the movies this film is referencing, i am just watching a film as i see it.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
the film dehumanises everybody besides king schulz, and that is what the movie is about: slavery dehumanises all those who are involved. if you want to be mad, be mad, but i am more offended by directors who turn racism into feel good movies like the help. tarantino made you cringe and was unapologetic about the whole thing. and instead of proposing a bullshyt "can't we all just get along" solution, the movie ends with all white people being dead. i liked that about the movie, but you don't have to.
Rape you n da ass, but at least some white ppl get killed at the end!!!
Do the world a favor, where a condom...

Is really that hard to say you don't like the film without accusing us who do like film of self hate?
Not caring about knowledge of self, is self hate my brotha
Corn and Carrots
It was a great movie imo, but Samuel L Jackson not getting a Oscar nomination really bothers the fukk outa me....
I hope it gives you gingivitis
People were saying Django was educational?:wtf:
It was a spaghetti western/revenge movie...enjoy or criticize it for what it was and not what you or anyone else was hoping it would be.
Bruh, white people all over this fine country been saying this bullshyt. Now seeing those types of comments over the net was one thing. It's when I peeped the majority of white dudes who commented on this site saying the same thing that had me like :ohhh:
Actually used the words "educational" :huhldup:
I dont know what people were expecting in a slave movie. Was it a serious film? No. It was as serious as kill bill or inglorious basterds. I think the bigger question should be, when does hollywood make a serious movie focusing on early slavery. I think if that gets done then we'll see Django in a much different light, but I don't think we as a whole are ready for that.
Why would Hollywood need to make any kind of movie for you to see Django in a different light :what:
Basically your knowledge of history comes from movies... Good day sir

Edit: As a whole, I guess it's not asinine asiten asieleven asitwelve to downplay the impact movies have in people's knowledge of things. Which is sad, but obviously true. If that's the starting point, then the world is definitely ready for a serious early slavery focused movie. But how can a movie like that get any traction when America doesn't wanna acknowledge it's own past. Happy Thanksgiving means "I'll kill your people, then put you on a reservation while we take yo shyt!"
It starts in the schooling bruh bruh


Aug 7, 2012
Rape you n da ass, but at least some white ppl get killed at the end!!!
Do the world a favor, where a condom...

Not caring about knowledge of self, is self hate my brotha

Corn and Carrots

I hope it gives you gingivitis

Bruh, white people all over this fine country been saying this bullshyt. Now seeing those types of comments over the net was one thing. It's when I peeped the majority of white dudes who commented on this site saying the same thing that had me like :ohhh:
Actually used the words "educational" :huhldup:

Why would Hollywood need to make any kind of movie for you to see Django in a different light :what:
Basically your knowledge of history comes from movies... Good day sir

Don't be that stupid breh. If you break down what I said in context then you will see that what I'm saying is, Django is a satirical movie that many take too seriously. What I'm saying is that if there were a realistic film made about slavery then Django would be seen in its proper context. I'm in no way saying that it's required to have a realistic companion piece to Django, but you know as well as i, that if there were a realistic movie out right now about slavery then you would see how insignificant Django would because the only thing realistic about the movie is the language.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Don't be that stupid breh. If you break down what I said in context then you will see that what I'm saying is, Django is a satirical movie that many take too seriously. What I'm saying is that if there were a realistic film made about slavery then Django would be seen in its proper context. I'm in no way saying that it's required to have a realistic companion piece to Django, but you know as well as i, that if there were a realistic movie out right now about slavery then you would see how insignificant Django would because the only thing realistic about the movie is the language.

Thats cool and all, but wtf are you talking about bruh :wtf:
I mean, I hear what you sayin. But what your saying has nothing to do with what we talkin about
If there was a more serious slavery movie (which there are) that has nothing to do with what some people are saying about this movie.
Thats the issue, thats the subject. All this "what if there was a super slavery movie" shyt is irrelevant


Dec 2, 2012
i aint seen all the movies this film is referencing, i am just watching a film as i see it.

well, if you don't understand the context of the film, how can you tell others what they should think about it and whether or not they are respecting themselves, when they like it?

this movie is not racist just because blacks don't talk. tarantino took one of the whitest genres there is, the western, and made the hero a black guy. when the spaghetti western first appeared in the in 1960's, it was essentially a european look at, and a deconstruction of the sanitized version of the conquest and civilization of the west by the white man, a central myth in us history.

tarantino took this genre in order to deconstruct the founding myth of the us even further and to draw attention to the fact that the united states was not only foundend on the individual violence of the pioneers in the west, but also on the systematic violence of the slavery system in the south.

in addition, he presents a slave who picks up a gun and takes violent revenge for the injustice of the system. that is the primal fear of the slave owners and their descendents. and in contrast to most movies that deal with this topic, there is no message of forgiveness, django kills all the white men. tarantino even has him say that he likes killing them.

in essence, this movie confronts its white audience with the fact that their sins as the descendents of the slave owners have yet to be atoned for and that they are lying to themselves about their past. if, instead of layering this message in an over the top cartoon, he had put it into a serious drama, how many :ld: do you think would have went and watched it?
besides, this is the style of movie tarantino does and you can't blame him for the fact that nobody else tried something different before him.

Mike Otherz

All Star
Jun 7, 2012
well, if you don't understand the context of the film, how can you tell others what they should think about it and whether or not they are respecting themselves, when they like it?

this movie is not racist just because blacks don't talk. tarantino took one of the whitest genres there is, the western, and made the hero a black guy. when the spaghetti western first appeared in the in 1960's, it was essentially a european look at, and a deconstruction of the sanitized version of the conquest and civilization of the west by the white man, a central myth in us history.

tarantino took this genre in order to deconstruct the founding myth of the us even further and to draw attention to the fact that the united states was not only foundend on the individual violence of the pioneers in the west, but also on the systematic violence of the slavery system in the south.

in addition, he presents a slave who picks up a gun and takes violent revenge for the injustice of the system. that is the primal fear of the slave owners and their descendents. and in contrast to most movies that deal with this topic, there is no message of forgiveness, django kills all the white men. tarantino even has him say that he likes killing them.

in essence, this movie confronts its white audience with the fact that their sins as the descendents of the slave owners have yet to be atoned for and that they are lying to themselves about their past. if, instead of layering this message in an over the top cartoon, he had put it into a serious drama, how many :ld: do you think would have went and watched it?
besides, this is the style of movie tarantino does and you can't blame him for the fact that nobody else tried something different before him.

i really hope you are white. everything you said is underminded by the fact that both jamie foxx and kerry washington are the least interesting people in the movie. kerry washington barely exists. this movie is a show for christalph waltz, watch that get that oscar/ also di caprio. and also sam jackson, as a stereotyped house slave. how it feel to have white audiences laugh at a man who is still essentially a slave.

no one is even talking about what you are suggesting, its all about how dope the dr king character was, or how incredible a performance dicaprio gives, or how funny sam jack was. meanwhile, the moral of the story? no one gives an F. the main message seems to be "yeah slavery was bad, but this was a cool movie."

and in reference to the fact that this movie was a take on spaghetti westerns, and blaxploitation? well i have to quote the sometimes crazy but never the less insightful Armond White of City Pages: these 2 genres do not belong together, especially when it comes to slavery. some subjects are just to sacred.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.


2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Farrakhan loved the movie. Would you consider him a black man with no self respect?

It's pointless to argue about this film because people see this movie in two completely different lights, which I think most negativity basically stems from it being directed by QT and his use of the n-word in his previous films.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Farrakhan loved the movie. Would you consider him a black man with no self respect?

It's pointless to argue about this film because people see this movie in two completely different lights, which I think most negativity basically stems from it being directed by QT and his use of the n-word in his previous films.
None of my views of the film were influenced by the use of "******," and Jesse Williams' article did not make single mention of the word in his post. Pay attention.


Apr 30, 2012
It was a great movie imo, but Samuel L Jackson not getting a Oscar nomination really bothers the fukk outa me....

He was the one character in the film that really had me like :pacspit::birdman:

He acted his ass off.

ps - I ain't click that link. If I wanna get preached at I'll go to church. My blackness ain't under debate cause I liked a movie.

Edit: Also, that statement saying Jamie and Kerry's characters were boring is a matter of your perspective. I was in a movie theatre full of white people disgusted by Calvin Candie and going nuts when Django got his girl back. Don't confuse the media's message for what the masses actually think.


Dec 2, 2012
i really hope you are white. everything you said is underminded by the fact that both jamie foxx and kerry washington are the least interesting people in the movie. kerry washington barely exists. this movie is a show for christalph waltz, watch that get that oscar/ also di caprio. and also sam jackson, as a stereotyped house slave. how it feel to have white audiences laugh at a man who is still essentially a slave.

no one is even talking about what you are suggesting, its all about how dope the dr king character was, or how incredible a performance dicaprio gives, or how funny sam jack was. meanwhile, the moral of the story? no one gives an F. the main message seems to be "yeah slavery was bad, but this was a cool movie."

and in reference to the fact that this movie was a take on spaghetti westerns, and blaxploitation? well i have to quote the sometimes crazy but never the less insightful Armond White of City Pages: these 2 genres do not belong together, especially when it comes to slavery. some subjects are just to sacred.

so anybody who disagrees with you has to be white? who named you the authority on black movie critique?

how is what i say undermined by the fact that jamie foxx doesn't have enough charisma to pull off that role and make it more interesting?

as far as the other characters go, kerry washington is a plot device, she was never meant to be a fully developed character and samuel jackson playing a house slave is an inside joke. it's a fukk you to spike lee, because he called him tarantinos house slave.

anyways, you have every right not to like the movie, and if you felt offended by its depiction of black characters you have every right to voice that opinion. but don't tell me i can't like the movie just because some rambling soap opera actor thinks that it's racist. i'm perfectly able to form my own opinion.