No live-action Miles Morales for at least two more movies?

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
I'm hoping I misremembering a misquote but somebody saying all black people look alike and still holding a position of power is bonkers.
Before Sony Pictures chair Amy Pascal attended a breakfast of Hollywood bigwigs last November with Barack Obama, she emailed her friend Scott Rudin for suggestions on what she should ask the president.

In what has become the latest embarrassing email uncovered in a trove of messages leaked by hackers who attacked Sony, Pascal wrote Rudin: "What should I ask the president at this stupid Jeffrey breakfast?" She was referring to a breakfast hosted by DreamWorks Animation head and major Democratic donor Jeffrey Katzenberg.

Rudin, a top film producer responsible for films like No Country for Old Men and Moneyball, responded, "Would he like to finance some movies." Pascal replied, "I doubt it. Should I ask him if he liked DJANGO?" Rudin responded: "12 YEARS." Pascal quickly continued down the path of guessing Obama preferred movies by or starring African Americans. "Or the butler. Or think like a man? [sic]"

Rudin's response: "Ride-along. I bet he likes Kevin Hart."