Thought it was already known that some big wig paid that Garrell nikka 10 gs to clip Soulja slim ..... Wasn’t the cats name spanky or something who had him killled .... that Garrell dude was a legit hitman /serial killer which explains why not to many people tried him ... I heard he got killed for another reason aswell had nothing to do with Soulja slim ...
The killer's name was Garelle "Jigga" Smith. He was a headbusta in New Orleans, but New Orleans has/had a lot of killers and hitmen. It was said that another guy named Steven Kennedy assisted Jigga in killing Slim.
Jigga had numerous murder charges against him; however, witnesses would not testify or later recant statements so he'd always get released on New Orleans 60 day law. A suspect has to be indicted within 60 days, if they are not they have to be released. That law is unique to New Orleans and the source of a lot of controversy.
Soulja Slim himself had numerous bodies under his belt and he was being investigated for a murder in uptown New Orleans at the time of his own death. Slim was a killer himself and far from a studio gangsta. Check the meaning of that cross he had tatted between his eyebrows. According to people who knew him, he had a reputation for slapping the shyt out of people he didn't respect and more than willing to participate in that trigga play himself. When he said the streets made me he wasn't lying.
Back to Garelle aka Jigga. It was said after the murder of Slim that Jigga barely left his ward and moved very carefully. Steven Kennedy the other man allegedly involved in the murder of Soulja Slim was murdered himself by a man from the Magnolia Projects by the name of Ivory "B-Stupid" Harris. B-Stupid was a killer and had multiple bodies under his belt, apparently he called himself riding and retaliating on behalf of Slim. There is plenty of information out there on B-Stupid murdering people in Houston after Hurricane Katrina. B-Stupid is doing Fed time right now. Google him.
About 10 years ago and around the 7 or 8 year anniversary of Slim's death the alledged triggaman Garelle "Jigga" Smith was gunned down with gun shots directly to the face and chest. The significance of that is that is exactly how Slim was killed by gun shots to the face and chest.
Dudes were some murder machines in the N.O. during the 80s, 90s, and even early to mid 2000s. A lot of those guys are dead, doing life, or long bids in the pen.