No Flocking Zone: China pledges neutrality unless US strikes North Korea first UD#3: Orange man on 1

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
I wonder what the Russia connection is...

Also where would India fit into all of this. I know a couple of SE Asian countries would love to see China eat a dikk.
Russia would likely back China decision
india and japan are working together vs China in Africa ....sooo
Nov 19, 2016
There's a reason why Israel tried getting the US to back up off Syria. They know what powers align with them.

You're less afraid when you're fully informed.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
US Rejects China-backed 'Double Freeze,' to Continue Joint South-Korean Military Exercises: State Dept

When asked whether military exercises were “the right thing to do” in a period of tension, Nauert simply replied: “we do these things all around the world.”
United States Department of State spokesperson Heather Neuert has indicated that the U.S. has no intention of stopping its military activity on the Korean peninsula, as part of a “double freeze” plan proposed by China to de-escalate tensions and begin dialogue between the U.S. and North Korea.

That so-called double freeze, that's not going to change. We're allowed to do it [the military excercises]. We're allowed to do it with our ally, South Korea. We will continue to do that and that's just not going to change,” Neuert said at a press briefing in response to a question about North Korea's demand that the U.S. end military exercises on the peninsula.

In an effort to urge calmness in rhetoric and action, China proposed a “double freeze” which would require the U.S. to stop their joint military excercises with South Korea in order for North Korea, or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) as they prefer to be called, to stop future missile tests.

“There is no equivalency between what the DPRK has been engaged in – the ICBM missile tests in July, the two of those, the nuclear testing,” Neuert insisted. “Compare that to the legal activity that the U.S. and South Korea is engaged with in terms of its military – joint military exercises. Those joint military exercises have taken place for a very long time. They're carried out in the spirit of the October 1953 Mutual Defense Treaty.”

The spokesperson was referring to the mutual defense treaty signed by the U.S. and South Korea following the catostrophic Korean War, as it is known in the U.S. The conflict was marked by a massive U.S.-led bombing campaign, leaving the DPRK with around a third of its population and most of its infrastructure devastated.

When asked by reporters whether such military exercises were “the right thing to do” in a period of tension, Nauert simply replied that “we do these things all around the world.”

“There’s no moral equivalency between our interactions with South Korea and what the DPRK has done. And the international world – the world recognizes what DPRK is doing is unstable, it’s unsafe, and it’s flat-out wrong. Okay?” she said, emphasizing the U.S.'s position.

The DPRK announced on Tuesday that they would be putting off any plans to launch a missile into “waters near Guam,” in order to see what the U.S. does.

Source/Article :
US Rejects China-backed 'Double Freeze,' to Continue Joint South-Korean Military Exercises: State Dept|News|teleSUR

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Fast Forward: 9/19/2017

Trump threatens further action against Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Iran at UN

President Trump said the U.S. may have no choice but to "totally destroy North Korea."
The U.S. President Donald Trump has lashed out at Venezuela, Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in his speech at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Trump said "the socialist dictatorship" of President Nicolas Maduro had destroyed a once wealthy country, as every socialist or communist regime had always done. He said the United States has already taken significant action against the Venezuelan government, and that it was "prepared to take further action" if the government continues to impose its will on the Venezuelan people.

Trump thanked those Latin American countries that have supported U.S. measures against Venezuela.

In another attack, the U.S. president called Iran a "rogue state" and repeated his threat to pull out of the international nuclear deal with Iran.

But Trump's strongest words were directed at the DPRK. Referring to the country's leader, Kim Jong Un, he said, "Rocketman is on a suicide mission for himself and his regime." He promised to "totally destroy North Korea" if it continued to threaten the United States or its allies.

Global leaders have converged on New York City for the 72nd U.N. General Assembly, with the first session opened with a speech by U.N. General-Secretary Antonio Guterres, followed by the President of the General Assembly Miroslav Lajcak.

The Brazilian president Michel Temer also criticized Venezuela, saying that human rights in the country are "deteriorating," even though Temer himself was never elected to the presidency and both he and many in his government are facing a raft of corruption charges.

“In South America, there is no longer room for alternatives to democracy. This is what we have stated in Mercosur, and this is what we will continue to uphold,” Temer said, whose approval rating sank to 3.4 percent according to the latest MDA Institute poll. Commissioned by the National Confederation of Shipments, the survey interviewed over two thousand people between Sept. 13 and 16 in five different regions of the country.

Other leaders scheduled to speak include: Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos; Plurinational State of Bolivia President Evo Morales; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; and Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari just to name a few.

A total of 15 minutes are allotted for each leader to deliver their speech. However, the time slot is only a loose guideline, which has been exceeded on numerous occasions. Counting over 193 leaders, speeches will run until Sept. 29.


Trump Threatens Further Action Against Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Iran at UN
