Welcome to the team.In. From my own experience, the best way to stop doing it is to commit to giving it up permanently. Just how it goes. And really you don't need it.
Being with a real woman>>>>>>>>>>fapping
Welcome to the team.In. From my own experience, the best way to stop doing it is to commit to giving it up permanently. Just how it goes. And really you don't need it.
Being with a real woman>>>>>>>>>>fapping
Alright you on the list playaAdd me I doubt I'll last though
Fapping ruined my life
Since when was no fap a male only thing?
Already Just watch some ASMR bruh.Cant leave the game alone fap needs me
Already Just watch some ASMR bruh.
Negro, it's the first damn day of 2017Fap Free Since 2017 bruh
WordIf you think you're gonna just wake up one day and stop fapping, you're mistaken. Especially if you haven't made any other lifestyle changes previously.
Somebody who sits in the house all day, doesn't have hobbies and is alone all day probably has to leave the house, get some hobbies and make some friends before they try nofap. You have to replace one habit with another. Otherwise you're gonna be sitting around wondering what to do next and your answer is gonna be fapping.
The functionality of the vagina is not impacted by .....certain activities the way the male equipment is
Yall can't hide the effects of superfapping and daily porn usage