But they ain't trying to hear you, breh.
As a dude who has been through month long dry spells due to lack of interest and other tax related and political factors'n'shyt, I would usually run into trouble when I was on that #Nofap shyt 'cause I was worried about turning back into the old Wankaholic type breh I was before I started getting cheeks and
at the time my choice in Porn took a troubling bend that started to make me question myself after each nut.
So I'd be fine for a bit until something set a dude off on some sexual shyt and I'd be justifying chasing broads I know either wasn't shyt, or had problems I didn't want to deal with after the act or even tried to psyche myself up into chasing trim with sex on the brain (
fukk that shyt) which normally ended up with lowered expectations, simping or just general frustration when my line came up empty. Nope. Had to rewire my porn lust drive and started jacking off to clear the brain and reset the timer for another 3-4 weeks