Ima humor this thread even tho this shyt can't be serious
first off all those players have at least a 6'3" wingspan, the more athletic pgs have wingspans up to 6'8" (John wall, drose, Westbrook) and that's what really matters in this league. The only exceptions are your pgs like J.J Barea, who's a stubby lil white guy who became a serviceable player with something something basketball iq something something hard work..... he's white.
second, you obviously never seen a real pro ball player up close. these nikkas are unreal. If every 5'11 nikka who really wanted it and tried real hard made It, there wouldn't be less than 500 people in the league.
EDIT: JJ is actually a Rican dude, never cared bout this dude to ever check. Now I know why he goes by JJ.