In all seriousness I still am

he said "young men of color"....he is too too far gone..
This is gonna be ugly....tonight he missed a big opportunity.....I was downplaying and calling out people in my personal life who said republicans are gonna gain back the house but I now can see them being right.....he is gonna be the peyton manning of politics....
I predict VERY ANGRY responses in the coming days and weeks from Black folks....he is straight up despicable......I mentioned my situation on here in terms of immigration and the executive order for immigrants in June 2012 helped me out....I'm grateful for him for that.....But I can't spend my whole life saying he is above critique because he helped me....especially I am a rare case as a Black male who was in that predicament.....
I don't think folks will continue to be complacent with his pandering every once in a while singing Al Green to give us a pat on the back....
November 2014....remember that month.....its gonna get ugly the remainder of the decade.....