Decent show. I missed a good amount of the opener (Dragon Lee/Sin Cara) because I was standing in line for merch. They only had 1 stand open in the arena. The last 2 shows had 2 merch stands inside.
MOTN was ELP/Os.
Was talking to some cats in the merch line and we all thought it would be Os/Lee in the finals. Crowd, and I, was shocked when ELP won against Os. Some cats even threw trash at him on his way out.
Honestly, Lee/Os should have been the main event. The main event was slow most of the match, and you can tell by the crowd reaction. Crowd didn't get hot until the big table spot. Lee took a powerbomb on the table where Liger was at. After ELP went to the top rope and hit a double stomp to Lee on the table outside. ELP got busted open, probably hardway, after that spot. They went for about another 8-10 minutes before the finish. Overall the match was good. ELP did a Styles Clash on Lee and teased a OWA.
First time seeing ELP and he's pretty solid. After the show some mark was super pissed and tried to take ELP's belt. Dude was heated legit.
The lighting was wack.
The tag match between LIJ/BC was solid. Always great to catch NaiGOAT live. He was the most over dude.