Been rocking with Nip from Neighborhood Nip to Nip Hussle the Great.
Got a chance to see homie when he performed in San Diego a few years ago
Bought a shirt from his store (overpriced AF but I can’t knock him)
Got so many songs of his that if I shuffle my shyt, he’s definitely getting a spin every few songs, and I choose to listen to him daily.
No homo

but whenever anything of his came out, I watched it, listened, copped etc. I just watched the video of him and Lauren London in GQ and it just reaffirmed (as most of his content does) how down to earth, relatable, and how much of a Real Nygga he is (can’t say “was” yet

Shyt can’t be real.
For anyone looking to start with Nip there’s really no bad place. He matured and “re-emerged” with Crenshaw when he decided to sell his mixtape for $100. That’s where I started with him because I had to

the business idea and what it stood for and how he rationalized it. Bullets ain’t got no names series is great younger stuff, but his content from Crenshaw on is all great music to me.

and rest easy. I rarely call people “King” because it’s so stereotypical but from the way he mapped out his plans, his ethics and integrity, and the way he seemingly carried himself, I’d call him one.