Bino just reposted this gem

Not to be mysoginistic but it's prolly females and gay dudes. Somebody posted a link in here to a lipstick alley thread on Nip and I didn't know what it was and I read a whole page and it was disgusting. Pure vitriol. The worst stereotypes for females in action.Seeing the dumb replies Nip's baby mother was getting throughout her IG pics makes me understand why I can't stand a lot of people. Saying shyt like she'll never "compare" to LL, how she's probably happy about what happened to Nip, and all sorts of other dumb shyt. Social media is an outlet for people that love overstepping their boundaries and being stupid. People be getting way too involved in shyt that has nothing to do with them.
Maaan that shyt is weird!! The hell wrong with us?Seeing the dumb replies Nip's baby mother was getting throughout her IG pics makes me understand why I can't stand a lot of people. Saying shyt like she'll never "compare" to LL, how she's probably happy about what happened to Nip, and all sorts of other dumb shyt. Social media is an outlet for people that love overstepping their boundaries and being stupid. People be getting way too involved in shyt that has nothing to do with them.
Crazy how two different readers bring up diddy's name
Virgo is a earth sign....