I wish people would stop with this Dr. Sebi conspiracy 

this has nothing to do with the federal government and i dont think for a second any governmental entity ordered this shooting.So the government killed Nipsey
Yet they were giving him zoning permits for all his businesses in LA
...Good people should be a commodity.
Pac also died at 25, imagine if he made it to 33, imagine if Nipsey made it to 39, imagine if Malcolm made it past 39...imagine if none of their leaderships were cut short.
Highly recommend watching this... I remember watching this shyt a few years ago and just being inspired by it. Wild to see he died right where this was highlighted and documented.
I’ve never listened nipsey a day in my life, but why was this needed to be said in this thread? You just want attention fakkit
Man stop with the boosie nonsense. Boosie was getting cats knockout with his teenage hitmanThis is something I can believe. This the same shyt Boosie was talking about in his Vlad interview a while ago.
They need to bring back negs asap.
Yup, I was already a fan, but I remember he took a break prior to this video dropping. This doc came out right at the same time the store opened. Just gives anybody great insight on what he was about as a man.I'm glad someone posted this...
I was always aware of Nip, but never checked for him more than a song or two. This video didn't just make me check for him, it made me a fan. Instantly. 40 minutes made me an instant fan.
He is and was gonna be so important to not only music but this culture, and I saw it in this video and every subsequent interview and video after.
No life is more valuable than another, but of all people this could have been, it shouldn't have been Nip.