MK8 is still $50Then you're in luck because the digital games are on sale on the eShop and these retailers, plus Pokken Tournament DX digital is on sale at Walmart: Verify your identity
but it was worth it, best MP game on switch hands down

MK8 is still $50Then you're in luck because the digital games are on sale on the eShop and these retailers, plus Pokken Tournament DX digital is on sale at Walmart: Verify your identity
Half the people in here missed the sarcasm![]()
Seeing as the title of the thread is immediately contradicted by the body of the first post, I'm thinking OP was trying to get a joke off.
Nah, there was no sarcasm, as OP is a nintendo die-hard.
Also, those are only on sale then cuz of the exact day and date that he made this thread, March 10th, aka. Mar. 10, aka MAR10, is the day Nintendo always does sales for cuz of the date. There's also the whole 35th anniversary steez too, but that's about it. Otherwise, these shyts would still be 60 dollars and will be by end of the week or the month, tops.
@Khalil's_Black_Excellence @Gizmo_Duck
If you look at the title and the first post, sarcasm was clearly intended. It's not that hard y'all. The games are discounted from their $60 MSRP
I don't think you know the background to this at all, as there's no missed sarcasm here, bruh.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is $9.99 on eShop, and the Gold Edition is $13.59
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details
Mario + Rabbids® Kingdom Battle Gold Edition for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details
XCOM 2 Collection is $14.99 on eShop
XCOM® 2 Collection for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details
Take it up with the OP breh. In the most literal sense, at the time the OP posted, the games were less than their suggested MSRP, which implies they were discounted. It clearly contradicts the title of the thread which also implies sarcasm
Were the games $20 off - yes or no? one missed that "uh duh" no brainer ass part of the topic starting post, fool. Jeezus christ man. As stated previously, you don't know the background and context beyond this thread like most do, so just hang it up already instead of hanging on to this obviously overt, clearly conspicuous topic headline thinking that folks missed something there. It's no fukking insider trade secret that OP says "never" and then posts game titles that are on sale at that time. Can't take for granite how rock dense some of you fools are on here, lol smmfh.
DamnI bought the Ace Attorney Trilogy for $30 and that bytch went on sale for $15 the next day![]()