Nina Turner a union buster?? LMAOOOOThey're not even trying to make sense. Nina Turner, a union busting slumlord lobbyist who has tried to abandon or downplay her own policy views to get endorsements and appeal to a heavily pro-Biden district... and you're a centrist if you call it out.
But Nina Turner is a real progressive despite not even being willing to stand behind it because... she said she was a few times.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Pass whatever RNG purity test they pretend to care about this week and the 'left' doesn't GAF what kind of grift you're on.
And I never knew she was a lobbyist? Interesting, (LMAO)
A slum lord? Hahaha
100% straight hyperbole. Exactly the type of obfuscation and misrepresentation conservatives use against liberals.
You're probably not even a liberal are you?