Nikki doesn’t think The Bellas get enough credit for starting the women's revolution

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Nikki Bella Doesn't Think The Bellas Receive Enough Credit For Starting The Women's Revolution - Wrestling Inc.

The crux of Nikki Bella's feud with Ronda Rousey centers around how Rousey views the Bella Twins as being divas instead of women's Superstars. Nikki and Brie still proud of the diva's era even though WWE has tried to distance itselffrom it in recent years.

As a former diva, Nikki believes she doesn't get enough credit for her role in starting the Women's Revolution and she discussed that on the In This Corner podcast with Brian Campbell.

"Definitely not," Nikki responded when asked if the Bellas get enough credit for starting the Women's Revolution. "I guess it's the point where I don't feel like I need the credit, but it's more or less been the disrespect where I have been the punching bag and I think that is hard because, as we know, especially WWE they are pros to "perception is reality." So, however they perceive someone people tend to believe that where that person is that person, and for some reason my sister and I have been turned into the punching bags, like, oh, put them with this person and let that person talk about The Bellas and it will elevate them, and that is who we have become. We have been that for a very long time, and it gets exhausting and I'm not going to lie it gets very frustrating because for some reason we have been the women that don't care about wrestling. But I have been here for 12 years; I have broken my neck and have come back. I absolutely love professional wrestling; I have a passion for that."

Nikki reminds everyone that she and Brie debuted as wrestlers and not as valets or non-wrestling personalities. The Bellas also came up with the idea of being assistants to the Celebrity Hosts that Raw used to have, but Nikki thinks their crossover ability with people outside of wrestling has hurt them at times with WWE.

"My sister and I, no one will ever give us any credit because we have become the 'no, use them for this because they have this outside success,' or they have that, but that's fine," said Nikki. "But it's just like the word "diva." I was in so many meetings where I talked about how that word is going to be made beautiful, strong and powerful, and it also gave the SmackDown women something to compete for because we weren't competing for anything. So, we were like, yes, let's make this so strong and powerful, which is what we made the Divas Championship become - something beautiful like that. A lot of little girls were wearing the Divas Championship, they loved it, and I think that is what is hard about the current era now: because Triple H and that group decided to use it as a bad word, it's like, wait, what do you mean?

"You taught us to make that word an amazing word and that is what we did. We put our blood, sweat and tears into it, and I was part of that. I saw the work that was put into that and it was beautiful. I saw the work that was put into that bridge when people wanted to see more of us, and that was beautiful, and then when it gets taken away from the diva's era that hurts me. If you think diva is a bad word then I am going to kick your a** to show you that it is not a bad word."

Nikki and Brie embraced the word "diva" and made it represent something meaningful in a male-dominated industry. But when WWE changed "divas" to "women's Superstars," the word almost seemed to become an insult. Nikki believes the women from the diva's era, including herself, should still be held in high regard.

"When you look at those champions: Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix, Melina, AJ Lee, Paige, Brie Bella, Eve Torres, they are strong and fierce women that cared and worked really hard, so I am here to remind people of that history. You want to praise the Attitude Era, and praise bra and bikini matches, but you want to discredit women that worked hard because there is a butterfly on a championship design? That is not okay with me, that is not empowering, so I think Evolution means a lot of things, and hopefully after Evolution we can stop talking about diva being a bad word. We get blamed for something but they tell us to be at certain places, I am here to stick up for those women, to remind people of how hard they have worked," stated Nikki.
If only WWE would stop holding The Bellas down :mjcry:
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Jun 2, 2014
How sis gonna throw Beth Phoenix, Paige, and AJ Lee in there like fans haven't always gone hard for them?

Nikki, people just don't like you, fam. It is what it is. And you can't claim the company isn't behind you when you just main evented the first all women's PPV with Ronda fukking Rousey. What more do you want exactly?


Nov 21, 2016
Maybe, MAYBE... the fans just don't fukk with you in the majority?

But that's okay tho. You got your fans, you got the people that either wanna fukk you or think Total Divas is revolutionary. You have the company bending over backwards to clit ride you and your sister when you didn't care about wrestling til recently. You can be content with MAYBE not getting all the credit.

Coco Brown

All Star
Nov 12, 2017
How sis gonna throw Beth Phoenix, Paige, and AJ Lee in there like fans haven't always gone hard for them?

Nikki, people just don't like you, fam. It is what it is. And you can't claim the company isn't behind you when you just main evented the first all women's PPV with Ronda fukking Rousey. What more do you want exactly?

And mess like this is precisely why a lot of people don't like her.

Nikki "came up with and defends the 30-second match that kicked off #GiveDivasAChance" Bella wants more credit for what, exactly? She ain't do a damn thing except John Cena and that's not shade, that's just facts. TBH, Nikki is realizing her goal of being "The first WWE women's superstar to have Rock-like success" isn't going to happen so she's trying to cement her WWE "legacy" and a lot of folks just aren't here for it, or her.

Now, I do think she makes a good point about the company making the word "Diva" a bad thing and lesser than. Because *some* of those women who were Divas like Jazz, Ivory, Molly Holly, Victoria, Kharma, Beth, Gail Kim, Paige, AJ, Mickie, Natalya...some of those Divas could mop some of the current talent in a fair one. You gonna tell me with a straight face Liv Morgan is better than Jazz? That Mickie James isn't a better in ring performer than Alexa? That prime Beth wouldn't completely mollywhop Mandy Rose? That Molly Holly couldn't *still* wrestle circles around Lana or Carmella? Like, no shade but every woman in the current "Evolution" ain't got Horsewoman level talent and they need to stop acting like they do. Because that's just as disingenuous as pretending every woman who was a "Diva" was lacking in the ring.

I can't remember if it was Natayla or Beth but one of them said that there were always women who were ready for the Divas Revolution, but the Revolution wasn't ready for them. That's the most truthful thing that's ever been said and if anyone has the right to be bitter and be complaining, its the women like Jazz or Molly who didn't get nearly the shine they deserved b/c they didn't have the "look" of a Diva according to corporate. I don't wanna hear Nikki "given the longest title reign in history b/c Vince is petty and I'm pretty w/big fake boobs" Bella complain about anything. Be happy you were able to finesse this WWE thing into legit business ventures and a measure of mainstream success and let that do you.

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
I wonder how their careers would have gone if Brie's hot ass wasn't married to Daniel
I wonder how their careers would have gone if Nikki wasn't dating John
I wonder how their careers would have gone if their mother wasn't married to Laurinitis

Didn't these twin hoes leave the wrestling industry to try their hands in Hollywood only for them to not get on, and have to come crawling back to wrestling, lol. They don't give a f*ck about wrestling, these 2 are/have used it as a launching pad for other ventures :mjlol:
It’s this. They’d have been just like every other woman from the failed model/actress era of 2007-14. They’d have faded away and classified themselves as obsolete some 5-7 years ago like Ashley Massaro and Kelly Kelly did :heh:
May 1, 2012
I asked a couple beards to name me one Bellas match that you could objectively say is a great match. They couldn't do it. I think it's hilarious how certain people think we should give Nikki "credit" for "improving" over the years... Why does she deserve credit for doing her job? She's still bottom tier.

And Brie never improved at all :mjlol: