She's an idiot. The man CLEARLY did not want to get married. She was so desperate to stick around. I can't even be mad at Cena he made it clear to her he did not want to fukking get married. He was an a$$hole too but she fukking stuck around hoping he would change his mind. He compromised on the marriage thing but I don't think he was going to compromise on the kids part of it and she was probably expecting him too.
Oh well.

She's an idiot. The man CLEARLY did not want to get married. She was so desperate to stick around. I can't even be mad at Cena he made it clear to her he did not want to fukking get married. He was an a$$hole too but she fukking stuck around hoping he would change his mind. He compromised on the marriage thing but I don't think he was going to compromise on the kids part of it and she was probably expecting him too.
Oh well.