Leave her alone

Nikki >>>>>>>> AJ
I don't understand the AJ Lee hype,she's nothing special
"It was an incredible night with a not incredible finish," Nikki remembers. "Asuka beat me and retained her winning streak, and then they made the decision to close it out by debuting Ronda Rousey. This was a little triggering for me in the moment."
Explaining that she has nothing against Rousey, Nikki added that, "it was a bit of a slap in the face to all the historic women wrestlers who had come out for the match, the main event, only to have the moment upstaged by the Ronda announcement. It just didn’t need to happen like that. It dominated the postshow news cycle and became the only thing everyone wanted to talk about—not the historic Royal Rumble and Asuka’s dominance in the league. And by the way, it sucked for Ronda, too. Because that’s no way to join a team—they threw her right into the lion’s den."