I'll answer even though the answer is already in this thread.
There is no such thing as one Nigeria.
On paper this ban happened because Nigerian insecurity and lack of transparency into it's internal terrorism.
The Nigerians who like Trump like him because he outwardly has a hard stance against terrorism.
Terrorism is commonly attached to Muslims worldwide.
The Nigerians who are Trump fans are not Muslims.
The majority of Nigerians who are in the US are not Muslims.
The bad part about this ban is that it will ultimately cause more distance between families who have some members inn the US and others in Nigeria.
The good part is that Nigeria is being exposed as a security threat which hurts the pockets of the elites who run things there.
When pockets hurt action takes place.
If this puts pressure on the Nigerian government to be more transparent when it comes to terrorism then this is a win.
In short, terrorism is mainly a Northern Nigeria issue.
Southern Nigerians just hope and pray that northern terrorism does not travel south.
A response like this is what many Nigerians have hoped for.
Pressure applied to Northern leadership to address the insecurity throughout the country.
Shyt like this is why many of them like Trump.